You could achieve this by adjusting the template and css. Per FAQs
How can I customise the design?
You can do some basic presentation adjustments via Knowledgebase > Settings.
Developers, you can completely customise the way the WP Knowledgebase displays by copying the plugin templates to your theme and customising them there. You may be familiar with this method of templating as used by WooCommerce.
In the plugin’s root directory you will find a folder called template. You can override that folder and any of the files within, by copying them into your active theme and renaming the folder to /yourtheme/wp_knowledgebase. WP Knowledgebase plugin will automatically load any template files you have in that folder in your theme, and use them instead of its default template files. If no such folder or files exist in your theme, it will use the ones from the plugin.
This is the safest way to customise the WP Knowledebase templates, as it means that your changes will not be overwritten when the plugin updates.