• mjtpzfrl


    im up to run a website:www.mywebsite.com with several categories,ie[category1] and [category2]. there will be free users and suscribers.

    -suscribers have to register, typing in forms,their website category,name,description and logo. they will then have to log in and set up their internal page which will be a little representation of their original page.
    -users will browse by category and find the suscribers links, according to their registration input.

    1.i am wondering if “multisite” plugin is here suitable
    2.which plugin can i use to collect each suscriber’s infos from the registration form, and display the results on the corresponding category page, according to everyone’s category in the form? note that i want at least one of these results, to be links to the internal created pages, from the category pages
    3.or which plugins are used to display users infos on customed pages?

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