• Hello Everyone!

    Using this code:

    $aanmelding = $EM_Booking->get_person()->ID;
    		$user = new WP_User( $aanmelding );	
    		if ( !empty( $user->roles ) && is_array( $user->roles ) ) {
       		foreach ( $user->roles as $role )
    			echo '<li>'. $EM_Booking->get_person()->get_name() .' - ' . $role  .' - Aantal personen : '  . $EM_Booking->get_spaces() .  '</li>';

    I’m displaying the user role of an attendee to an event. However, I’d like to display the user role name instead of the user id. That way I can edit it easily with the user role plugin I’m using. Plus, its a lot more good looking than administrator_event_contributor

    I’ve tried to get it work but so far no dice.

    You can see it (almost) working on this page: https://www.airsoftclubnederland.nl/evenementen/bunker-hill/

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