• ResolvedPlugin Contributor rezaa.maleki


    Hi. Greetings from iran
    Thanks for plugin. Its look fantastic but unfortunately doesnt work properly for Persian.
    I try suggested arrangement for similar problem with Chinese and Hebrew. Some parts like answers and scale names are right But title and questions are displayed as ??????.


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  • Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Hi Rezaa!

    My usual questions:

    * does “?????” displayed in test editor or only on test page?
    * php version
    * mysql version
    * current theme
    * current active plugins

    Try to:

    * switch to default theme and check
    * disable all other plugins and check


    * try somehow to run mysql query like:

    show table status like 'wp_t_%'

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    And as usually as any programmer says to you.

    “It works on my computer!” (c) )))


    So I think it’s something with DB most likely.

    Plugin Contributor rezaa.maleki


    Dear Ustimenko
    Thanks for attention and response.
    I am not Developer but IO Psychologist so its take time to find and send answers of your simple questions :))
    Here they are

    * php version 5.4.39
    * mysql version 5.5.31 gpl ver.10
    * current theme variant of 2011 theme
    * current active plugins alot

    It is not UTF8 or theme issue (remind Chines).
    I do step by step your advices but doesn’t work. There is no conflict between plugins.
    I find a Hack by using a visual editor plug-in and the topic is solved now.
    I find some other probably bugs if my attempts doesn’t work, I will ask for your support or share the solutions. May be related to my theme personalization.

    Again, This plugin is a great work and I appreciate that

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Rezaa, so share with others what helped you to solve the issue here.

    Plugin Contributor rezaa.maleki


    Ustimenko, as I said in previous comment, I use visual composer editor to edit text in plugin environment. I suggest improving built-in editor for prevention this kind of probably issues.

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Rezaa, and for questions too? Questions not edited through any editors.

    My assumption is that some plugin — may be this visual composer editor was the cause of encoding problems.

    Plugin Contributor rezaa.maleki


    Ustimenko, visual composer editor has “Frontend and Backend Page Builder” option that let me Backend editing. At first I make test format then from test page preview editing is available. Interesting, when I look back in test editor every thing is alright.
    And no, there is no conflict because I recently and after wp-testing install that editor.

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Hmm… But something just breaks those encoding!

    I’m sure that cause is there.

    Regarding yours

    There is no conflict between plugins.

    How did you understand that? Have you disabled all other plugins?

    It is not UTF8 or theme issue (remind Chines).

    How do you conclude it? Did you ran those query or somehow determine, that all of your tables in mysql database are in UTF8 encoding?

    Plugin Contributor rezaa.maleki


    Off course but I can not find that.
    1. Yes, as I said before, step by step (backward) disabling other plugins is not useful. Or may be something i don’t understand.
    2. Yes ,My site is in farsi and it’s utf8 setting is utf8-mb4-general or something like that. Your plugin utf8 as I saw in mysql database (structure) is similar to my other plugins.

    Now I work on results. There is a problem with charts, they don’t show up.

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    disabling other plugins is not useful

    Why do you think so? Did you saw on my screenshot, that all is ok?

    It’s ok just because I have only naked default WP and this plugin. No others plugins with me on that screenshot.

    There is a problem with charts, they don’t show up.

    Check your console — some other plugins can just give you javascript errors. Diagrams use javascript heavily.

    Plugin Contributor rezaa.maleki


    Edit : disabling other plugins is not useful for me.
    I think my theme has problem (farsi needs some rtl.css to shows right). I will follow your advice. You are great. Thanks for your support and follow up

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    disabling other plugins is not useful for me.

    Of cause!!! But we need it for 5 seconds to understand is it really the cause or not.

    So even if you have 100 plugins. You can easily find insurgent in 6 steps (100/2/2/2/2/2/2).

    Just disable half of them and see when bad guy is active.

    But this really neaded if yuo will find, that problem gone when all others plugins are disabled.

    Plugin Contributor rezaa.maleki


    I just have 10 plugin. I do disabling all of theme again now and problem is steel there.
    I cannot see your screenshots. That site is filtered in iran. but if you want I can upload my screenshot on my site.

    Plugin Contributor ustimenko


    Good. And what was when you disable your theme? Juts try to switch it.

    In some issue I saw that theme was doing bad things. Especially if it’s a paid theme — paid themes uauslly has this kind of sins.

    Plugin Contributor rezaa.maleki


    OK! now i activate a free theme (name: professional). and problem is steel there.

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