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  • Hi, it’s easy to make the code 8 digits long and so safer. I’m not a PHP guy, but IMO you should be able to create the code length option easily. This patch just changes 6 => 8 digit code.

    You’ve to use QR code to set mobile google authenticator, but it works.

    <       if ( strlen( $thistry ) != 8) {
    >       if ( strlen( $thistry ) != 6) {
    <               $value = $value % 100000000;
    >               $value = $value % 1000000;
    <       $chl = urlencode( "otpauth://totp/{$GA_description}?secret={$GA_secret}&digits=8" );
    >       $chl = urlencode( "otpauth://totp/{$GA_description}?secret={$GA_secret}" );
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