• I am working with the /wp-content/themes/default/search.php file and I would like to add some code that will allow a controllable number of random posts instead of saying the standard messaqge: No posts found. Try a different search?

    This post:


    was the closest I could find for help. I tried but can’t get the random posts to actually appear. I don’t get any script errors… but just blank with no random posts.

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  • Have you tried a random posts plugin?

    Or maybe your call for the random posts is in the wrong place? The code of your search.php would be helpful (if it’s long, put it into the pastebin and link it here).

    Thread Starter gconn77


    It is the standard unmodified search.php from the default template. If you want me to include the code, let me know. Thanks for the quick response.

    I have not tried the random posts plugin. I would rather hard code it in rather than install a plugin for a simple line of code.

    Well, I don’t know how the unmodified search.php looks like. If you want to hard-code, it would probably be best to put a function into your functions.php and include it in your search.php at the end of the loop… like this:

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    <!-- loop content for search results -->

    <?php endwhile; else : ?>

    <?php your_function() ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

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