• Before I explain my problem, I better warn that I am somewhat of a novice to WordPress and coding in general. This is my first attempt to try make a site. So bear in mind that my problems may stem from pure ignorance. I do hope that you are willing / able to help me anyway… Oh, and just to make things worse, English isn’t my frst langage.

    Problem in short:
    I am working on this site
    I keep getting display errors either in IE or in FF (or both): Mismatching colours, alignment of graphix out of whach in one browser or the other, misplacement of the search icon.

    Detailed explanation:
    – I found a template that looked somewhat like what I had in mind and decided to change the picture files and colour codes. Figured it would be the easiest.
    – Apart from icons there were three picture files: top, a page that loops and a footer. Top was jpg and the two others and icons were png.
    – I got the colouring and graphix alignment set for all files in FF.
    – IE looked awful. The colouring of the jpg and png wasn’t at all the same.
    – I changed footer and page to jpg and changed that bit in code as well. That helped on the IE, but resulted in FF getting a bit crazy (magnifier icon placed wrong and alignment of the blue frames got slightly messed up).
    – Since then I’ve been doing a gazillion little tweaks of the picture files to make sure that they were spot on sizewise of the original pictures in the template. This helped FF a bit so that is currently almost spot on in the frames, but now EI is distorted again.
    – I have also noted that the text of the sidebar isn’t displaying the sae in FF and IE. In IE it looks like proper headlines while in FF it’s not bolded. I am not sure when this occured or even if it was always there.
    – If it makes any difference I better note, that I also changed the code in the footer which was encrypted using tips I read on this forum. I had the problems before doing this change though.

    I am currently working on the site, so there might be a little variation in the probems there. But I am on somewhat of a deadline so I have trouble keeping my hands to myself while waiting for more qualified help!

    Thanks in advance!


Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • have you altered the css at all? that would explain the problems cross platform or maybe it was not fixed to start with. Where did you get the theme?

    As for colours different compressions offer various colour tones so that maybe your problem there?

    Thread Starter hottentot


    Thanks for your reply Spirk.

    I solved the colour issue by changing all files to the same filetype. It’s now running all png. Would you recommend a certain file type?

    The only thing I have changed in the css is the colour codes.

    I am thinking that there must be a problem with how the css tries to place the image files. If it’s automated and not fixed where the file is placed?

    At the moment the site looks okay in my owm FF, midsection is a couple of pixels off to the right in my IE7, and in nt friend’s FF the midsection is off a few pixels to the left…

    Theme Name: Spectrum
    Theme URI: https://www.themebin.com
    Description: Trendy, fancy and  attractive wordpress theme.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Santhosh. S
    Author URI: santhosh.themebin.com
    	By downloading and using this theme, you agree to the following terms:
        - You may NOT resell this theme.
        - You can use this theme for any purpose.
        - You can modify this theme as per your needs.
    - Header image is designed by Albertine.
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    hr.clear {
    	visibility: hidden;
    	margin: 0px;
    	padding: 0px;

    can you upload a screen shot of i.e for me please? the wife has taken the laptop to work and im mac base

    Thread Starter hottentot


    Okay here are links to display in different browsers



    FF of unknown version

    Thanks again Spirk!

    ah yeah I see now, its pushed out by about 1px! ill look at the code now and see what i come up with

    Thread Starter hottentot


    I appreciate that a lot Spirk!

    Strange that it’s a px to the one side in the one FF shot and to the other side in the IE shot.

    blame microsoft i.e has its own set of rules when it comes to css and its such a pain, im just going through it all now but ill have a better look at lunch.

    the template you based this on did work fine before yes?

    Thread Starter hottentot


    I am not sure that I ever checked it in IE. I will try install the original again and test.

    Thread Starter hottentot


    Argh the original template has the same problems when used on my site!

    Lesson learned to check out templates in different browsers before starting to work with them.

    Is there anything that can be done to keep the pictures in line? Or would I need toss the whole thing?

    Leaving the original rainbow theme up for a bit, so it can be seen for reference.

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