• Resolved jvwx


    Activated plugin (4.3.1) and authenticated. It’s for a client I have Manager access to. On the initial “Review sync settings” page it says the following:

    Import customers (initial sync)
    Choose how you’ll add your 1 WooCommerce customers to Mailchimp:

    Within WooCommerce > Customers we have 5,024 customers. I’m worried about proceeding with the initial sync considering it’s saying we only have 1. Any ideas?

    BTW I noticed references to “Remote Diagnostics” but I’m not seeing any reference to it at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailchimp-woocommerce, which just has the “Review sync settings”.

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  • Thread Starter jvwx


    (To clarify the part about “Remove Diagnostics,” what I meant is I see it recommended here in the forum but couldn’t find a way to enable it in the plugin)

    Plugin Support khungate


    Hello @enfueggo, It’s unusual that the count is showing as 1 given the number of items you mentioned. Our testing environments haven’t revealed any bugs related to this issue so far. I suggest you go ahead with the sync process. If you encounter any customers or orders that fail to sync, please let us know immediately. Additionally, remember that you can activate remote diagnostics in the plugin’s settings tab at any time after completing the sync. This feature can provide valuable insights if you experience any issues. Let me know if you need any further assistance or clarification.

    Thread Starter jvwx


    Hi @khungate, thanks for the response. I had it start the sync and waited a few days but it’s showing only 9 contacts, 2 orders, and 37 products (it should be more like 5k customers, 10k orders, 400 products).

    I tried “Resync now” and but same results after an hour. I’m seeing 3.5k completed related records in Scheduled Actions.

    I’ve activated “Enable support” feature, though I haven’t shared our domain with you yet and would prefer to keep it non-public. What’s the best way to share it with you? Our MC user_id = 218452830 if that helps.

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 2 days ago by jvwx. Reason: More details
    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 2 days ago by jvwx.
    Plugin Support khungate


    Hi @enfueggo,

    Thanks for sharing that ID; I think we’ve got you pulled up. It looks like your store logs are showing some fatal errors that could be causing the Action Scheduler to back up.

    First things first, I recommend addressing those fatal errors as a top priority. They can often cause the Action Scheduler—which is used to sync data from your store to Mailchimp—to get stuck, leading to a backlog of pending jobs.

    We’re also seeing errors like “a product with the provided variant ID does not exist in the account for this list.” This could happen if you’ve deleted a bunch of products. Orders won’t be able to sync if the products they reference have been deleted, so it’s worth checking for any removed products.

    Additionally, I suggest upgrading to the latest version of the plugin (4.4) to make sure you’re running with the most recent fixes and improvements.

    Let us know once those are addressed, and we can assist further if needed.

    Thread Starter jvwx


    Thank you @khungate.

    1. Updated the MC plugin ??

    2. The fatal error occurred when I was trying to view a certain admin view with the Crontrol plugin. I’ve disabled it to rule that out as a culprit and haven’t had any since.

    3. As far as A product with the provided variant ID does not exist in the account for this list error… I’m not seeing anything amiss when I look up the referenced orders. For example order #88477 is Completed and ordered one product (variation ID 75093) and it certainly exists:

    I changed logging preferences to “Debug” and hit “Resync now” a few hours ago and see the error still occurring. I wonder… does that error mean that the product (variant ID) isn’t in Mailchimp, or our website? If MC, the error makes perfect sense because so few of our products have synced there… the order synced but the product didn’t. At the moment we’re showing 14 contacts, 4 orders, and 45 products. I’ve seen other threads talking about slow syncing… maybe we’re just in that boat too. I’ll check back tomorrow and hopefully it’s increased.

    Plugin Support khungate


    Hi @enfueggo, thanks for the follow up information. I think we’re on the right track here. Since that fatal error is gone, we’ve been able to resync your products which should include the variants now. I’ve already started that for you and as soon as that’s done we’ll get your orders squared away.

    Appreciate you working with us to find the solution, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any follow up questions.

    Thread Starter jvwx


    Ah, that was you that got it going! I saw the product count going up before my eyes but wanted to wait for things to settle before updating here. I’ll check back later and hopefully we can close this out. Thanks so much!

    Plugin Support khungate


    No problem at all! Happy to help @enfueggo.

    Thread Starter jvwx


    @khungate Looks like we’re all set, thanks again for your help!

    Plugin Support khungate


    Glad to hear that fixed the issue @enfueggo! If anything else pops up, don’t hesitate to reach back out to us. We appreciate you using the plugin.

    If you’re happy with this integration, please consider leaving a 5-star review. Your feedback helps other WooCommerce customers find this integration and helps support future development.

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