• Hello,

    First of all thank you scribu for an awesome plugin!

    I’ve looked at the wiki and browsed through support topics but I can’t seem to get this to work.

    I am using Posts 2 Users and managed to connect users to pages where they are linked to category: presentation. When a user logs in, I want them to see a list of pages they are connected to.

    So far everything seems to work fine, except all users see the same list when they login. I am unable to filter according to the own user’s connections. What am I doing wrong?

    function my_connection_types() {
    	p2p_register_connection_type( array(
    		'name' => 'multiple_authors',
    		'from' => 'page',
    		'to' => 'user',
    	) );}

    I set this up to work only with my showcase template:

    p2p_register_connection_type( array(
    		'id' => 'landing2page',
    		'from' => 'page',
    		'from_query_vars' => array(
    			'meta_key' => '_wp_page_template',
    			'meta_value' => 'showcase.php'
    		'to' => 'user',
    		'title' => 'Connect Users'
    	) );

    I’m using a shortcode called [mypresentations]:

    function get_mypresentations() {
    // Find connected posts
    $connected = new WP_Query( array(
      'connected_type' => 'landing2page',
      'connected_items' => $user,
      'suppress_filters' => false,
      'nopaging' => true,
      'category' => 'presentation',
    ) );
    // Display connected posts
    if ( $connected->have_posts() ) :
    <h3>Related posts:</h3>
    <?php while ( $connected->have_posts() ) : $connected->the_post(); ?>
    	<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    // Prevent weirdness
    add_shortcode( 'mypresentations', 'get_mypresentations' );


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  • Thread Starter axeldev


    Hello, I was wondering if anyone managed to display pages connected to a single user? I still can’t get this to work on my end…

    Many thanks



    Not sure if this is the best method, but used the following to display the favourite posts for my custom post type (homeswap_listing):

    function homeswap_connection_types() {
    	p2p_register_connection_type( array(
    	    'name' => 'favourite_listing_to_user',
    	    'from' => 'homeswap_listing',
    	    'to' => 'user'
    	) );
    add_action( 'p2p_init', 'homeswap_connection_types' );

    I then call it in the following loop:

    	global $userdata,;
    	// Get Logged in User ID
    	$userid = $userdata->ID;
    	// Setup array of Favourite IDs
    	$fav_id = array();
    	// Get posts to call all posts connected to users
    	$fav_posts = get_posts( array(
    			'post_type' => 'homeswap_listing',
    			'connected_type' => 'favourite_listing_to_user',
    			'connected_direction' => 'to',
    			'connected_items' => $user,
    			'suppress_filters' => false,
      			'nopaging' => true
    	) );
    	// Loop through posts to get all post IDs where the "p2p_to" values are equal to User IDs
    	// Assign to Favourite ID array
    	foreach($fav_posts as $fav_post){
    		$temp_id = $fav_post->p2p_to;
    		if($temp_id == $userid ){
    			$fav_id[] = $fav_post->p2p_from;
        // Remove duplicates
        $fav_id = array_unique($fav_id);
        // New WP Query based on Favourite IDs
    	$args = array(
    		'post_type' => 'homeswap_listing',
    		'post__in' => $fav_id
    	$favourites = new WP_Query( $args );
    		// Display connected posts
    		if ( $favourites->have_posts() ) :
    		<?php while ( $favourites->have_posts() ) : $favourites->the_post(); ?>
    			<li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
    		<?php endwhile; ?>
            <?php else: ?>
    	    <article <?php post_class(); ?>>
    	        <p><?php _e( 'Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'woothemes' ); ?></p>
    	    </article><!-- /.post -->
    		// Prevent weirdness

    Not sure if ‘connected_items’ => $user is correct – if I change $user to ‘user’ it just outputs all the connected posts.

    Thread Starter axeldev


    Hello bigkinetic,

    Thanks so much for your help!! Really appreciate it. You definitely put me on the right track: the right pages are filtering correctly for the connected user.

    To make it work I used ‘connected_items’ => $query->user->ID instead of ‘$user’.

    The only issue I’m still facing is for a user that has no connection: it outputs a number of pages – always the same – instead of the message (‘Sorry…’).

    Is the issue to do with connecting pages rather than a custom post type?

    function my_connection_types() {
    p2p_register_connection_type( array(
    		'name' => 'landing2page',
    		'from' => 'page',
    		'to' => 'user',
    		'title' => 'Connect Users'
    	) );
    add_action( 'p2p_init', 'my_connection_types' );
    function get_mypresentations() {
    global $userdata;
    // Get Logged in User ID
    $userid = $userdata->ID;
    // Setup array of Favourite IDs
    $fav_id = array();
    // Get posts to call all posts connected to users
    $fav_posts = get_posts( array(
    'post_type' => 'page',
    'connected_type' => 'landing2page',
    'connected_direction' => 'to',
    'connected_items' => $query->user->ID,
    'suppress_filters' => false,
    'nopaging' => true,
    'category' => 'presentation',
    ) );
    // Loop through posts to get all post IDs where the "p2p_to" values are equal to User IDs
    // Assign to Favourite ID array
    foreach($fav_posts as $fav_post){
    $temp_id = $fav_post->p2p_to;
    if($temp_id == $userid ){
    $fav_id[] = $fav_post->p2p_from;
    // Remove duplicates
    $fav_id = array_unique($fav_id);
    // New WP Query based on Favourite IDs
    $args = array(
    'post_type' => 'page',
    'category' => 'presentation',
    'post__in' => $fav_id
    $favourites = new WP_Query( $args );
    // Display connected posts
    if ( $favourites->have_posts() ) :
        <?php while ( $favourites->have_posts() ) : $favourites->the_post(); ?>
    <li><a>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
     <?php else: ?>
    	    <article <?php post_class(); ?>>
    	        <p><?php _e( 'Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'twentyeleven' ); ?></p>
    	    </article><!-- /.post -->
    // Prevent weirdness
    add_shortcode( 'mypresentations', 'get_mypresentations' );

    Thank you so much again for your support so far!

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