Hello @istudiodesign,
The alternative in this case would be define dependencies using a calculated field as auxiliary.
For example, insert a calculated field in the form with the equation: filter*1
(I’ve used filter as the variable name you can use the name you want)
Now, in the settings of the calculated field, define the dependencies you need with the fields in the form. For example, in case the result of the equation is 1 show the fields: fieldname1, fieldname2, fieldname3, if the result of the equation is 2 show the fields: fieldname10,fieldname9, etc….. You should create a dependency rule for showing the fields you need in each case.
Note, as the calculated field is used as auxiliary it is not relevant in the form’s interface, so, should be ticked the checkbox: “Hide Field From Public Page” in its settings.
Finally, you should know that every additional parameter you pass to the form’s shortcode would be converted in a javascript variable with global scope. so, assuming the id of the form is 123, you can use now the shortcodes:
[CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS id="123" filter="1"]
or [CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS id="123" filter="2"]
If you want pass the filter variables as a parameter of the URL, then you can use the combination of shortcodes:
[CP_CALCULATED_FIELDS_VAR name="filter" default_value="1"]
In this case if the web page is visited with a parameter called filter, the “filter” javascript variable is created with the value of this parameter, and if the “filter” parameter is not passed in the URL would be used the default_value 1
Best regards.