Display Name Publicly
Can I just say what a great little plug-in. It does everything I need it to do and I’m so glad I was recommended it by Chris Lema and using it together with Members, is a dream.
I had a few things to fiddle about with, for some reason the SMTP sending doesn’t work with my settings, but I can get round that.
So a couple of things that would make it completely perfect…
1. I can’t see the right column name to put for propegating the ‘Display Name Publicly” field. Is there a way to do this. It’s just that the username for this set is a membership number and I’d rather it defaulted to their name or nickname.
2. I doubt this is possible, but is there anyway to untick automatically the “show toolbar when viewing site” (this maybe a wordpress default I have to deal with, but I thought I’d ask.
3. This is I’m sure, unlikely, but I have a BBpress forum set up on the site and would love to have imported members automatically listed as Participants. I wondered if there’s anyone who’s asked this and whether I can marry the two fields somehow.
Anyway, thanks so much for being the solution I required and it being so nicely done.
Five stars and countless recommendations.
Great work, thanks
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