Currently I have a couple ugly hacks in place to enable my sidebar. I am using (and mangeling) Matt’s Asides by changing the “If” statement from his loop
<?php if ($posts) { foreach($posts as $post) { start_wp(); ?>
<?php if (in_category(2) && !$single ) { //code below is for link post ?>
<?php } else { // code below prints normal posts (without excluded links category) ?>
AND I have a second loop taken from 2fargons method (and using his improved functions.php) in the sidebar
<?php $posts = get_posts('order=ASC&category=2&orderby=name&offset=0&numberposts=4'); foreach ($posts as $post) : start_wp()?>
This is ugly and ineffeciant and doesn’t get me quite the results I want because “Aside” posts out of order and counted against the total. I tried to use this plugin to fix that, but it was skipping a normal post which should have been published (maybe becuase I had 2 Asides on the same day?). If anyone can explain why this was happening, or point out a way to improve my current hack I’d be very happy.