• Resolved tysto


    I was hoping this plugin would let me display the value in a custom field key that I specify, but it seems to only let me filter by them and display the title of the post.

    My reasoning is that my post titles have extra information that I don’t need cluttering up the list, so I have a custom field for each one with a “short title” value, but I’m having trouble finding something that lets me display that short title instead of the full post title.


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  • Plugin Author piccart



    I am sorry but this plugin isn’t meant for what you need.

    though, if you let me know which is the meta-field slug, I might provide directions to do a little tweak on the plugin’s code, in order to display that short title field, instead of the post title

    Plugin Author piccart


    actually, I can provide you with directions, and then you can just change the slug of the meta field into this code.

    so, first of all, you have to make a duplicate of the file that you will find here:


    put the duplicate of that file into your theme folder.

    then edit this duplicated file and go to the line 183. you will find this:

    <a class="pbytax-post-title" href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $post->post_title ); ?>"><?php echo $post->post_title ?></a>

    change that piece of code and put this piece instead:

    <a class="pbytax-post-title" href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $post->post_title ); ?>"><?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'YOUR-META-FIELD-SLUG', true); ?></a>

    remember to change YOUR-META-FIELD-SLUG and put the slug of your custom meta field.

    let me know if it’s what you wanted to achieve, and don’t forget to give a rating to the plugin if it’s been useful for you. ??


    Plugin Author piccart


    in case you are using the option to display the posts into a dropdown, instead of changing that piece of code, you have to find this piece here (line 141):

    <option value="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); ?>">
          	<?php echo $post->post_title ?>

    and replace it with this:

    <option value="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); ?>">
          	<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'YOUR-META-FIELD-SLUG', true); ?>


    Plugin Author piccart



    since version 1.4.0, the code within the template file is a bit changed, so the variable $post is now


    therefore, in all the code samples above, you should substitute $post with $pbytax_post every time you find it.


    this is a fantastic plugin, thank you!

    following on from the above I want to try to append a ‘price’ meta in front of the date, so that it looked something like:

    £10,000 12-06-2016

    I’m trying the below in ‘pbytax_template.php’ line 140, with my additional code shown below.


    <?php if ($display_date=="yes"){
                                            <div class="pbytax-meta">
                                           		<span class="pbytax-date pbytax-date-<?php echo $date_align; ?>"><?php echo get_the_date( 'd-m-Y', $pbytax_post->ID ); ?></span>
                                        <?php } ?>


    <?php if ($display_date=="yes"){
                                            <div class="pbytax-meta">
                                           		<span class="pbytax-date pbytax-date-<?php echo $date_align; ?>"><?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'price', true); echo get_the_date( 'd-m-Y', $pbytax_post->ID ); ?></span>
                                        <?php } ?>

    but am not getting what I’m after.. any help would be appreciated greatly.

    kind regards

    Plugin Author piccart


    thanks for your great feedback and for the rating!! it’s really appreciated! ??

    since version 1.4 the above code must be tweaked because to avoid overriding the $post variable, I’m now using a custom variable for the retrieved posts object.

    so whenever you want to get something from the currently looped post, you must use $pbytax_post instead of $post.
    by instance in your code you would put:

    then it should work just fine.

    you are quite right, it’s written in 5th post too!
    thanks for pointing that out again =)

    works perfectly.

    thanks again for this great plugin.

    Plugin Author piccart


    hi there!

    glad you’ve managed to achieve what you need, and thanks again for your words! ??


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