• Hello! First I woul like to say that I love customzr and great support, easy to use. I’ve built my own website and I have to say that is coming out very well thanks to you and great theme.
    I’m using qtransalte to make an english version. Now I have on my homepage stikky news tikker as a plugin and I have news moving down as a widget. Now it will not let me translate it, its ok I figured out that I could create a double stiky news tikker and place it in my widget, now I have two displaying one in italian and one in english. Now the issue is to make the english stikky news not to dislpay in the italian homepage and in the english home page not to display the italian one (hope I’m clear enough).
    I figured out I could use a css like this:
    #mtphr-dnt-widget-14 {
    But the problem is that I have to paste the code somehow giving the comand only on those particular homepages. So I was wondering if you could give me an advice on how to use this code properly. Thanks

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