No, Photonic does not store any data in a separate table. All data is pulled live from Flickr or any other source.
The main challenge with what you are asking for is “pagination”. This is what I mean:
- Let’s say your gallery has 100 photos, and you load them 20 at a time.
- The way Photonic works is that it will request for 20 photos each time rather than trying to pull all 100 together. This saves bandwidth and ensures a quicker response time.
- Flickr returns 20 photos as per the sort criteria that you give it. This will generally be constant.
- Even if you randomize what Flickr is returning, you are still randomizing the same set of 20 photos; it is not that you are getting a different set of 20 photos, because Flickr is always giving you the same thing.
The above is similar to how the Mosaic layout works – after the data is pulled it tries to randomize it to get a perfect fit, but true randomization will only happen if Flickr itself is returning different photos each time.
If I try to do a true randomization outside of Flickr, that will incur a performance hit. Basically, if an album has more photos than the maximum limit, I will have to make multiple calls internally, then pull photos at random. This is very computation-intensive and will slow down things on your site quite a lot.