• This is not urgent, but I have not been able to figure out how to do what I really want. I would really like to have a single image show in my post that, when clicked, would launch a slideshow. I am okay with the text links that say “Show Slideshow” or “Show Thumbnails”, but I do not want the numbers and arrows that show up if I set the show images to ‘0’ per page.

    I feel like I have fiddled with every setting and combination thereof, I have come close (the basic slideshow with the captions.php templalte thingy almost nailed it, but the caption only showed about 20 characters and was squeezed between the navigation arrows. Oh, if you didn’t guess, I don’t do much code, css, etc.

    The site is a child theme developed in Ultimatum. A URL that demonstrates what I have is here https://auburnmassdaily.com/2014/01/22/ahs-indoor-track-results/ or more recently here https://auburnmassdaily.com/2014/01/28/rockets-shoot-past-the-generals-61-49/ (I am aware these galleries don’t have captions, but usually we do).

    I like either slide show, I just don’t want all 10 thumbnails showing up in my post, and all of the other slideshow options look different than what the Basic Thumbnails view looks like. Which I don’t get. ut there ya go.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


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