• On a custom template page, I’m trying to display a fixed number of events (10, in this case) and I want them to order by event date, not post id. I’m trying to show a list of event excerpts in order of when they are occurring.

    I’m doing this in the loop by querying post_type => event and then calling the_excerpt(). The problem is that the loop returns the events in order of post ID.

    Maybe this isn’t the best way, but I haven’t been able to figure out anything better. Any help would be much appreciated.


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  • Have you tried using the events_list shortcode?


    Thread Starter red5


    Yes. Instead of querying post_type and calling the_excerpt(), I’ve had better results using em_get_events() and then using shortcodes to return the information that I want ordered by event_start_date. The result is a string. If knew how to make the result an array, instead, then all would be well. This is what returns the string:

    $evt = em_get_events( array('limit'=>10,'orderby'=>'event_start_date,event_name', 'format'=>'#M #j #_EVENTLINK #_EVENTEXCERPT{26}') );

    I can explode the string into an array and achieve my goal, but starting with an array would be cleaner.

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