• Resolved Nidalap


    I came to your plugin after struggling to fix the email receiving issue on Contact Form 7 plugin.

    First, the CF7 displays green box which means email successfuly sent. But I didn’t receive any email in my inbox.

    I use 2 of the top-five smtp plugins and each plugin could not connect to smtp server on google apps or connection timed out. Also, when either of the plugin is activated, the contact form returned red box. Uninstalling the plugin returned the green box again. But still no email in my inbox.

    I could not allow low security apps to connect to my google apps account because it isn’t allowed by google since I’m a legacy user of free google apps.

    Then I found your plugin. I installed and activated your plugin. Then funny text appeared on top of my dashboard. I tried configuring your plugin but it seems to stuck when checking ports. I tried manually configure but it says I need to request permission to google to use the client ID thing. I clicked the request permission link and only funny text showed up.

    I’m currently deactivate and uninstall your plugin. Could you tell me how I could resolve the issue?


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  • Thread Starter Nidalap


    Thank you for your support so far, I really appreciate it. I have tried deactivated and reinstalling your plugin as my hosting support suggested but still no luck. It keeps showing funny text even though wp_debug_display in wpconfig.php and display_errors in php.ini have been disabled.

    But I have a news. Suddenly ALL test messages that I had sent via contact form and other test mail sending function script earlier appeared in my inbox! It seems as the FAQ described https://contactform7.com/faq/i-see-green-border-response-but-i-never-receive-mail/ . In my case, it got kidnapped and somehow released after about 24 hours.

    I couldn’t believe it but I tested it again several times just now and all messages from my contact form now has reached my email (some went to inbox, some went to spam) within a minute without problem. Weird, as I didn’t fix anything technically.

    So I hope everyone that has similar issue to me could just patiently wait about 24 hours and see if the mail reached your inbox or spam folder.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    I’ve patched the plugin for you. This has all the debugging disabled. Please download the zip, install it, and let me know if that solves the ‘funny text’ issue. If it does I’ll release it publicly.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Wow, I hope you don’t have to wait 24 hours for your mail! ?? If you use OAuth 2.0 instead of the older authentication, your mail should show up instantly, and won’t go to anyone’s spam box.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Download v1.3.6 : Postman v1.3.6 w/ log patch.

    Thread Starter Nidalap


    No more funny text on activation. But I got this error when I proceed to configure:

    Bad, Postman!


    Look at the mess you made:

    Call to a member function debug() on a non-object in /plugins/postman-smtp/Postman/PostmanOptions.php on line 102

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    What! Oh no ?? And I’m minutes away from releasing the next major version. I certainly don’t want to break it. If I could beg of you, would you please be so kind as to try one more time with pre-release v1.3.7.

    I feel now I have to thank you for your patience ??

    Thread Starter Nidalap


    Your plugin offers secure OAuth 2.0 and would keep running even when email password changes. It’s something worth trying. ??

    This time, the plugin failed to activate. No funny text, but I got this error message:

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Bad, Postman!


    Look at the mess you made:

    syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in
    /plugins/postman-smtp/Postman/PostmanAdminController.php on line 684

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Man. I don’t know what kind of crazy environment you’re running over there ?? There’s no reason that shouldn’t have worked!! Can you tell me (1) what version of PHP you are using, and (2) who is your host?

    Anyway I changed line 684 From

    $options = $this->importableConfiguration->getAvailableOptions ()[$plugin];


    foreach ( $this->importableConfiguration->getAvailableOptions () as $options ) {

    This time, just download the trunk… that’s where I write all my latest un-versioned code to… and see if that change works. I wonder what else might go wrong.

    Thread Starter Nidalap


    1. PHP Version 5.3.3-7+squeeze25
    2. It is a reknowned Indonesian hosting company: Masterwebnet.com

    Report on trunk instalation:
    1. Upon activation, funny text appear on my dashboard. But not on the webpages (unlike 1.3.4 which appear also on webpages).

    2. I saw the message that postman already configured but warned me that there is probably a problem with authentication. It says I use login authentication and it asked me to change to OAuth 2.0 authentication.

    3. I then clicked the delete configuration data.

    4. Funny text then appear:
    WordPress database error Table ‘k1829484_nidalap_photography.wp_mail_bank’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT from_name, from_email, mailer_type, smtp_host, smtp_port, encryption, authentication, smtp_username, smtp_password FROM wp_mail_bank made by require_once(‘wp-admin/admin.php’), do_action(‘admin_init’), call_user_func_array, PostmanAdminController->initializeAdminPage, PostmanImportableConfiguration->isImportAvailable, PostmanImportableConfiguration->init, PostmanWpMailBankOptions->__construct Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0 Pragma: no-cache X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    Then at the bottom of the dashboard this error message also appear:
    Bad, Postman!


    Look at the mess you made:

    Undefined index: host in /home/sloki/user/k1829484/sites/nidalap.com/www/wp-content/plugins/postman-smtp/Postman/postman-common-functions.php on line 89

    5. I refreshed the browser, entered the postman setting menu again, request permission from google. Then after going back to my dashboard suddenly postman is configured and all above funny text and error gone!

    6. I tested the contact form. NONE end up in spam even if the recipient doesn’t add my email to the contact list! Woohoo!

    Thread Starter Nidalap


    Did I mention it also received almost instantly?

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Hey! That’s great news!

    Clearly your WordPress is still dumping errors and warnings to the HTML output. This is still a pretty bad security hole, but it is so hard for me to help you fix it remotely. I’m still pretty junior at PHP. If I were you I would insist that your host help you turn it off.

    I can fix both the first problem in #4, but my mind is blown that for the second problem your ‘parse_url()’ function didn’t return a host!! what??! How is anything else even working??! ??

    I checked out your photography work, great!! I have a photography site too ?? https://www.photosbyjason.com But my slideshows are broken… that’s my other WordPress plugin that broke when I switched hosts!

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Ok, the latest trunk version (07:34 GMT) has code that I think should fix your “funny text” problems:

    1. I fixed the WordPress database error
    2. I fixed the Undefined index: host
    3. I think you have errors enabled in your PHP still… there is a setting called error_reporting and you might have it set to E_ALL… so when you turned off display_errors the other day the DEBUG level messages went away.. but I had code in Postman to print ERROR level messages (that’s the Bad Postman! thing), and on my system I don’t have E_ALL set… so that is probably why you saw the above two errors when I never did. So anyway I enabled E_ALL on my side, I saw the errors you were talking and I fixed them. Then I figured out a way to keep E_ALL on but not have it mess with the Ajax so the wizard won’t hang at Checking Ports….

    Ok, and final word is I’m pretty sure the refresh token code is broken in the version you downloaded. Which means 60 minutes after you request authorization from Google mail will stop working! the refresh code is tested and working for the code in the trunk now, so I strongly recommend you get the latest trunk version again and install it. And hopefully no more errors!! But please let me know if you have any more funny text and I will try to stamp it all out.

    Thank-you so much for helping me test,

    Thread Starter Nidalap


    Yeah, but luckily it’s only dumped on the dashboard. Not on the webpages.

    I don’t know. I’m just a regular Joe in programming. Whenever I see errors that I’m unfamiliar of, I just laugh. Hence, funny text.

    I sometimes need to google some of your words to understand what you mean (e.g production site, ajax, etc). I’m a puny baby compared to your junior at PHP.

    Great, now I’m stalking you on Facebook page.

    Thread Starter Nidalap


    You were right about 60 minutes later the plugin will stop working. I just tried again to send test email and it got stuck. I then deactivated the plugin, delete it, and install the second trunk version.

    Here’s my report:
    1. Plugin activation was successful. No error message displayed on dashboard or webpage.
    2. Entering the settings. All already set and good to go as if the previous configuration data was saved. No error.
    3. Test email send. Test messages to gmail and yahoo mail successful. Emails are received almost instantly on both providers.

    Conclusion: PERFECT!

    PS: I’m waiting for an hour more to test again to see if it still working.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Oh Thank God!! This was the hardest bug fix yet!! Thank-you so much for your help, and please be sure to rate the plugin, help me spread the word ??

    Your English is great, i wish I could speak another language that fluently.

    I will release v1.4 tomorrow (Canada-tomorrow), thanks to you!

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