• I’m building a plugin to sort through custom posts using 2 taxonomies. For the sake of discussion, lets call the taxonomies “Locations” and “Titles”.

    On the location pages (generated by “taxonomy-location.php”), I’d like to pull any “Titles” that are tagged at that location, and then list the custom posts beneath the title.

    For example: I would create a new post (using my custom post type), and tag that post as “New York” (using Location taxonomy), and “Graphic Designers” (using Titles taxonomy). When viewing the “New York” taxonomy page, I’d like to see the title “Graphic Designers”, and then the corresponding posts below that title.

    I’d only like to display the “Graphic Designers” title if there are posts within that title.

    I’m still new to creating this type of thing, and to be honest, I’m not even sure where to begin with this. I would appreciate any help/feedback I can get!


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