• Resolved dmx09


    Hi all,
    I’ve been trying to figure out how to show my custom menus (2 at the minute) only on the pages that I want them displayed.

    I’m using ‘widget logic’ and ‘display widgets’ plugins to do most of the work but while they allow me to show & hide the menus on pages and categories, they don’t seem to work for single post pages (ie: pages using single.php).

    Does anyone know if I can use code to display each custom menu (ie; in single.php), at the moment they are added as custom menu widgets.

    Unfortunately, I can’t post a url here but if anyone has any ideas… ??

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  • Thread Starter dmx09


    I’ve gotten a little further but could use some help if possible..
    I wondered if its possible to adapt this code to include an if statement.

    So if its single and in category x, load Events menu, otherwise load News menu..

    	if ( is_single() ) : ?>
    	<div class="widget">
                <h3>What's On</h3>
    	    <?php wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => 'Events Menu' )); ?>
    	<?php endif ; ?>
    Thread Starter dmx09


    Sorted the problem , if anyone is interested..

       if ( is_single() || is_archive() || is_page(4) || in_category( array('news', 'events', 'partner-events'))) : ?>
    	<div class="widget">
                <h3>What's On</h3>
    	    <?php wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => 'Events Menu' )); ?>
    <?php endif ; ?>
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