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    I would like to ask for a shortcode solution, that let me be able to display thumbs filtered by tags and galleryid.

    Why I would like to have it?

    I have a site with coloring pages and illustrations in separated galleries. There are 100+ coloring pages, all tagged perfectly. When I filter this coloring pages by tag for example [nggtags gallery=bear,crocodile] not just the tagged colorings are displaed, but the tagged illustrations too.

    I can imagine 2 ways to acomplish this:

    1. EASY: Handle AND operator in nggtags shortcode

    Example: [nggtags gallery=bear,crocodile,&coloring] or [nggtags gallery=bear,crocodile,+coloring]
    What should filter for bear OR crocodile AND coloring, so none of my illustrations should be rendered.

    2. COMPLEX: Combine nggallery and nggtags into one shortcode

    I know this can cause lots of complications, but could be a longterm solution to provide only one, complex, but well useable shortcode.
    Example: [nggallery id=1?images=2?tags=bear,crocodile]

    Thanks for Your kind effort in ancipation to solve my speific problem!


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