• Hey guys, I’ve seen this asked here a few times in the past 4 years. But I haven’t seen any working solutions.

    On my installation i’m using buddypress + s2member pro. So far it’s working together nicely. Except when I try to filter profile results on the /members page.

    Honestly, these kinds of manipulations arent usually so difficult for me, but for some reason I just can’t figure out what i’m doing wrong.

    in my members-loop.php file here is a snippet of the code i’m using to try and filter the user results. It start directly under the while( bp_members() ) : bp_the_members();

    <?php while ( bp_members() ) : bp_the_member(); ?>
    <?php $user_id = bp_get_member_user_id();
    $user = new WP_User( $user_id );
    if ($user->roles[0] != 's2member_level2')

    I have also tried this bit of code to get it to work:

    <?php while ( bp_members() ) : bp_the_member(); ?>
    <?php $user=bp_get_member_user_id();
    $s2member_var = get_user_field ("s2member_access_role", $user);
    if ($s2member_var == "s2member_level1" || $s2member_var == "administrator") {

    but still no results.

    Using either one does not work, and the members page will still show all the users. I dont understand what i’m doing wrong!

    Thanks so much in advanced for any advice.



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  • Thread Starter Myg0t


    Here’s another, maybe easier to answer question.

    How could I build a comma separated list of user id’s who are not of the role “s2member_level2”.

    In essence i’d like to build a list of excluded user id’s that I could then pass to bp_has_members().

    Could someone assist me? I assume I would need to use implode?


    Thread Starter Myg0t



    There are lost of plugins in the www.remarpro.com repo that will enable you to export your user list to CSV.

    Thread Starter Myg0t


    That’s a good idea… But I would need it to be dynamic, which is why I was trying to do it in PHP. If I do it with a csv, I would have to update the list manually every day or two to make sure none of the new members are displayed on the members page.

    Any other good suggestions?

    I appreciate your time.


    Well, I was thinking you could use a cron job to automate the plugin.

    Thread Starter Myg0t


    Do you have any useful reading material on the subject? Haven’t really dealt with cron jobs to much.

    Well, I have to admit that I haven’t tried it, but the WP Crontrol plugin looks like it might do what you need.

    Anything by John Blackbourn is likely to be very good.

    Thread Starter Myg0t


    Hmmm Alright… I see what your saying. This could work. So let see if I can get the process straight.

    WP Control will help me to run the Users Export plugin on a scheduled basis.
    In doing so, my PHP function used to limit the users displayed on the members page of buddypress will need to create a string that is equal to the contents of the .csv that was exported?

    On a side note:
    I’ve still been hacking away at this PHP. But I still can’t seem to get the ID’s quite straight. Maybe you can help me with what I think should be a pretty easy question:

    private function get_custom_ids() {
            global $wpdb;
            // collection based on an xprofile field
    		// WP_User_Query arguments
    		$args = array (
    			'role'	         => 's2member_level2'
    			'fields'         => array( 'id' ),
    		// The User Query
    		$user_query = new WP_User_Query( $args );
    		//The User Loop
    		if ( ! empty( $user_query->results ) ) {
    			foreach ( $user_query->results as $user ) {
    				$custom_ids = $user->ID.",";
    		} else {
    			// no users found
            //$custom_ids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}bp_xprofile_data WHERE field_id = 8 AND value = 'no'");
            return $custom_ids;

    The members directory shows empty, and that there are no users to display. So I was thinking that there must be some other way that I need to check the role of an s2member user.

    So, I suppose my real question is: What means are necessary in order to check the capabilities of an s2member user from WP functions?

    Another idea that i’m having is:

    Can I build an array of ID’s for every single user on the system, and use get_user_field(ID,”s2member_access_role”) to check the role? Did some searching and I haven’t found a way to do that with wp_user_query… I tried calling it with no arguments, but it didn’t seem that it did anything.


    You will need someone else to answer these questions. I’m just a user and certainly not a coder!

    Thread Starter Myg0t


    Thanks for the input any way!

    Any other members out there that may have some answers? I’ve been banging my head on this for a while…

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