• Resolved winlinwcn


    how can I make the plugin search for post title instead of ASIN

    I have 600 posts on my blog, and I want this plugin to automatically find and display the related products from amazon based on the post title (without having to add ASIN manually for 600 posts)

    just by inserting something like :
    [amazon template=iframe image&search=%postname%]

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author paulstuttard



    I’ve created a simple extra plugin that you can install and this provides a keyword %POST_TITLE% use this in the shortcode or use it to populate the ‘Search Text’ setting.

    Download it from: https://www.lazyfox.org.uk/e/data/public/da4a40.php

    Example Shortcode:

    [amazon search_text_s=%POST_TITLE%S#&text=Link Text&search_link=1]



    Thread Starter winlinwcn


    Thank you so much, yes it works well as text. but how can I embed it on my post to display search result with thumbnail like the

    it is really cool feature hope you integrate it in the next release.

    Plugin Author paulstuttard



    Just use the keyword directly in the template or set a keyword to it in the shortcode, for example, my search widget template contains the following:

    ‘search widget’ template content:

    <script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript">
    amzn_assoc_ad_type = "responsive_search_widget";
    amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "%TAG%";
    amzn_assoc_link_id = "OSXOOGQQTSSPRPEW";
    amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon";
    amzn_assoc_region = "%MPLACE%";
    amzn_assoc_placement = "";
    amzn_assoc_search_type = "search_widget";
    amzn_assoc_width = "auto";
    amzn_assoc_height = "auto";
    amzn_assoc_default_search_category = "";
    amzn_assoc_default_search_key = "%TEXT1%";
    amzn_assoc_theme = "light";
    amzn_assoc_bg_color = "FFFFFF";
    <script src="//z-%REGION%.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&Operation=GetScript&ID=OneJS&WS=1&MarketPlace=%MPLACE%">

    Then adding the shortcode:

    [amazon template=search widget&text1=%POST_TITLE%]

    Creates a search widget with the search set to the post title.


    Thread Starter winlinwcn


    Thank you so much , it’s working !!!!!

    & # 038;

    (without the spaces)
    in the Amazon links when using the Amazon Link redirect… is that going to cause me a problem.? Thanks running the plugin in 300,000 pages no problem ?? Load speed all good, with wordfence cache.

    opps no delete post ??

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