Hi @studiotopo,
I do not have any docs specific to this plugin, the functions that you will use in your templates are ACF functions though which are well documented.
If you are completely new to using ACF you might want to start here: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/getting-started-with-acf/
If you are just using a basic Font Awesome field (not in a repeater or flexible content field) then you can use either get_field() or the_field() depending on if you want the value to return or echo.
When creating your field, the easiest ‘return value’ option is “icon element” which will give you something like: <i class=”fa fa-iconname”></i>. You can also return the “icon object” which is a PHP stdClass object containing the icon class name, hex code, and unicode information. Or lastly return just the icon class.
I hope this helps. If you have issues I haven’t thought of here let me know, maybe there is more need for documentation than I realize.