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  • Same issue i face in same line number.

    WordPress version: 4.5.3
    Plugin name : Font Awesome 4 Menus”
    Font Awesome 4 Menus Version :

    Thanks in advance.

    Plugin Author Joe Ponzio


    Hi folks. Can you tell me what version of PHP you’re running? I need to dive deeper into this because I can’t recreate the issue.

    PHP version : 5.5.12

    In case it helps, I experienced this error using tagDiv’s Newspaper theme (7.2) on PHP 5.3.29 and WordPress version 4.5.3.

    Further, the theme authors are also looking into this issue. They’ve recommended a temporary hack (around line 215) of the n9m-font-awesome-4.php file. That code is on pastebin.

    Here’s the code snippet:

    function walker_nav_menu_start_el( $item_output, $item, $depth, $args ){
            if (is_array($item->classes)) {
                $classes = preg_grep( '/^(fa)(-\S+)?$/i', $item->classes );
                if( !empty( $classes ) ){
                    $item_output = $this->replace_item( $item_output, $classes );
            return $item_output;
    Plugin Author Joe Ponzio


    I’m sorry folks. I just pushed an update with the above array check (also added it in another place as well). Please let me know if/that this solves the issue and thanks for your reports!

    Thread Starter robertolacava


    Ok problem solved with the new upgrade.

    Version ok:

    Thanks! ??

    Thread Starter robertolacava



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