• Resolved despina.mina


    i would like to ask if there is the possibility to add a price to a simple product that will be with the prefix “from”.
    For example from 12€
    Thank you

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  • Sandeep Kumar


    @despinamina- As far as the possibility is concerned, yes you can add a prefix via custom coding. Though, I would like to know more about your plans for the use of this prefix because usually such a prefix is used for products with variable pricing.

    Awaiting your response.

    Thread Starter despina.mina


    Is relate to a site that i give offers for building construnction.
    This product for example is a pool.
    I don’t want to make it variable product because have many attributes,depending from client’s requirements.So i wan’t to set an initial price and upon request with the client,to give the final price.
    So,it’s possible to set the word”from” to specific products?

    Please post the url for a relevant page.

    Thread Starter despina.mina


    The markup is English!

    Try this custom css:

    .postid-6033 .price:before {
      content:"From: "

    If your theme does not have a setting where you can enter custom css, you can use a plugin like this one:

    The “.postid-6033” is one of the classes in the body tag. This will make sure that this extra text appears only on this page. So you will need one snippet for each page where you want to use this.

    You will have to translate “From: ” for me.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Majeed Raza. Reason: Changed the css
    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Majeed Raza. Reason: Another go
    Thread Starter despina.mina


    That’s a category page, so you could use:

    .tax-product_cat .price:before {
      content:"From: "

    I can’t find the shop page. Have a look for a suitable class in the shop page body tag.

    Thread Starter despina.mina


    Sorry,the category page was that i meaning!
    This code add the “from” to ALL the products of the categories.
    Is possible to add it only to specific products to each category’s pages?
    For example in this category page to the first product.

    The products on the category page don’t have their own class. The only way I can do it using css is by counting the products. So if the product you want is number 1 product in the list, you would use:

    .products-loop .product:nth-child(1) .price:before {
      content:"From: "

    This isn’t going to work very well if your products keep changing. If so, some more effort is needed for a better way.

    Remove all the above css. Put this function in functions.php for your child theme:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_price_html', 'add_from', 10, 2 );
    function add_from( $price, $product ) {
      $product_id = $product->get_id();
      switch ($product_id) {
        // list of product ids where this applies
        case 1801:
        case 2479:
          return 'From: '.$price;
          // any other products
          return $price;

    You must use your own product ids for the products that this applies to. You can have one or many “case” lines. Change ‘From: ‘ to your language.

    This is for simple products. The code will need some more work if you have to use it for variable products.

    Thread Starter despina.mina


    the product ids where i must to put them?
    To the case lines?
    thank you very much!

    Yes, in the case lines.

    Thread Starter despina.mina


    Thank you!!!

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