• Resolved riyazmuhammad



    I am successfully able show a part of website on my blog. But the Html contains too many items. I just wanted to show only first 4 items.

    My generated html is look like below:

    <div data-qs="property-list">
            <div data-qs="properties"></div>
            <div data-qs="properties">
                <div class="cardlist cardlist-property">
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
                    <div class="cardlist_item"></div>
    <div data-qs="property-list-end">

    from the above html I would like to show only first 4 <div class="cardlist_item"></div> items.

    My shortcode is look like:
    [remote_get url="https://www.example.com" start='<div data-qs="property-list">' stop='<div data-qs="property-list-end">']

    Thanks in advance,

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by riyazmuhammad.
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  • Plugin Author Eli


    You will have to get creative here. There isn’t a built-in method for retrieving the first four occurrences of something.

    You could probably use CSS to hide all but the first four, or wrap that results in a fixed-height div with a scrollbar, or use a preg_replace statement to strip off all the remaining items after the first 4, but it will be tricky and it will take some creative thinking and experimentation.

    Thread Starter riyazmuhammad


    Hi Eli,
    Thank you for the quick reply.
    Currently I am using css to hide all but the first four. But it loads all the divs. I think I have to find how to achieve this with preg_replace statement.

    Thanks again

    Thread Starter riyazmuhammad


    Hi Eli,

    Can you please show some example shortcode which is using preg_replace statement?
    I couldn’t find anything on the plugin documentation regarding this.
    Please help.

    Thread Starter riyazmuhammad


    Hi Eli,
    I have created a shortcode with replace statement.
    [remote_get url="https://www.example.com" start='<div data-qs="property-list">' stop='<div data-qs="property-list-end">' replace='(?<=<div data-qs="properties">).*?<div class="cardlist cardlist-property">.*?<div data-qs="property-list-end">' with='(?<=<div class="cardlist cardlist-property">).*?<div class="cardlist_item">.*?<\/div>\s<div class="cardlist_item">.*?<\/div>\s<div class="cardlist_item">.*?<\/div>\s']

    When I test the regular expression in the ‘replace’ and ‘with’ part it display what I need exactly.
    But in the short code it is not working. Does the regex will not work in the shortcode?


    Plugin Author Eli


    Sorry I missed your reply until today. The “replace” parameter of the remote_get shortcode uses str_replace not preg_replace. To use preg_replace you need to wrap the whole remote_get shortcode in a preg_replace shortcode, like this:

    [preg_replace replace='/<div data-qs="properties">(.*?)<div class="cardlist cardlist-property">(.*?)<div data-qs="property-list-end">/is' with='<div data-qs="properties">\1<div class="cardlist cardlist-property">\2']
    [remote_get url="https://www.example.com" start='<div data-qs="property-list">' end='<div data-qs="property-list-end">']

    P.S. This plugin is for advanced uses who already understand RegEx and cURL, it is not a good place to start learning because there are complicated deficiencies to using these functions within a shortcode that are highly compounded be WordPress’s interpretation of HTML in used in the content. I mostly posted this reply to help other with the same type of issue because I can tell from your code that you need a better understanding of RegEx before you are ready to play with shortcode usage and fight the up-hill battle with the WordPress HTML content “auto-correct feature”.

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