Hello @nikelschubert !
Thank you again for your quick response!
No, but I believe I am not expressing myself properly and also keep that in mind that is a VERY minor issue – and not an issue at all, but only a detail.
So, basically, do have a cookie consent (Allow) you said that it works only in
Differentiated Consent – 1 Button/2buttons. But when I choose this option, the only detail (issue:) a have that it adds a checkbox under the text which makes the banner a little bit bigger.
So I was just wondering (To have cookie allowance) I have to keep this option –
Differentiated Consent – 1 Button, which gives me the checkbox – can you make this checkbox aligned with the text? to not let it create the other like just for itself, under. Or even near the Consent button, so everything will be in one single line and will make the banner a lot slimmer?
Otherwise, the second option, with the “Just tell the user we use cookies.” option, can you make it Allow on a scroll and not dismiss?
I repeat it is not any real issue, but just make it slimmer, the banner.
PS. thank you really for your time and I know I can be a ball breaker sometimes haha
Cheers! hope to hear you back.