One other thing you should be aware of. Login Lock was removed from the WP Plugin Repository Oct 2012. There is a known problem where it may cause a redirection loop, (can’t log-in) so that’s why WPyogi is telling you to remove this plugin.
There are alternatives like either “Better WP Security or 6Scansecurity” – but I’m wondering what’s going on on your site that is causing this? You mentioned:
I am always being told that I am logged out because someone is attempting to log in to my site
Sometimes this is as simple as not checking the box that says “Remember Me” when you log onto your site. With out this box checked, every time you close your browser or turn off your PC, you’ll have to re-log on when you come back onto your site.
Also, there are hackers that will try to brute force your log-on by trying passwords if they figure out your user ID name. The most common mistake people make is to keep the default “Admin” user name or use some form of their own name.
Creating a strong Admin user name is the 1st step in preventing you from being locked out from your site.
One last suggestion that goes with this. Make sure in your settings for your (Admin) user name, the name you post articles under is “different” than your (Admin user name)