• Hi: Not sure of version; can’t get in. Can’t log in; nothing happens. Tried re-setting password; kept telling me it was ‘too soon to use that password again’ even though I had not used it before.

    I am so sorry I ever got involved with WP- it is difficult, slow and persnickety.

    Anyone know how to get in so I can empty this account. I have had it.

    Thank you.

    [email removed]

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  • Have you tried any of the alternative methods?


    Hi Sheila:

    You sound pretty frustrated. Sorry to hear that WP isn’t working out for you. Your comments about slow, difficult and persnickety makes me think you’re looking for help on removing WP rather than solving your login challenge.

    Assuming you’re on a self hosted web site, removing WP is as simple as deleting the WP files and directories using a good FTP program. Often some hosting companies will actually have a uninstall option within the Hosting companies CPanel or Dashboard.

    Just to double check … you’re not using WordPress.com, are you? If so, then you’re entirely in the wrong place for support.

    Let me know if you need further clarification


    Thread Starter DrSheilaherenow


    Hi Yogi: Thank you for your help. Yes, I did. I tried the one I could manage and it is apparently not working. Some terminology is beyond my expertise and I haven’t a clue how to follow the yellow brick road. Sheila

    Thread Starter DrSheilaherenow


    HI Ron: Not using WP.com. Started there several years ago.It’s a snap to use. I went over to .org because of the advertisers and the possiblility of making a few dollars instead of just giving my work away. With 9,000 readers, didn’t make a dime. But that’s another issue.

    I didn’t have any intention of leaving until this past week. I have spent hours trying to fix my login issue. It just doesn’t open.

    There is no one to pay/cajole/beg to actually do it for me as I can’t get into my own account. Where it went and why I have no idea. I have always found it slow to open but that wasn’t a deal breaker.

    All the new themes, plugins etc. have limited appeal because I don’t understand how to use them. The best I can do is update; I am terrified of changing anything lest the account disappear.:)

    All I want to do is get to my account. Can’t do it and no one can show me how. Yes, they send links that I don’t understand.

    There should be a caveat that WP.org is not for the neophyte.



    Hi Sheila:

    I’m more than happy to help you directly – click on my (profile link) for my direct contact info


    Thread Starter DrSheilaherenow


    Hi: Thanks Ron. You are the first ray of hope. I clicked on your link; what do I do from there?


    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @ronmerk Can you please keep support on the forum? It’s really frowned upon when people use the forum to contact people like that.

    Please note I am not attributing any bad intentions or ill will to your actions. Honest, I don’t doubt you’re just being helpful. But support is offered on the forums and this is a self-help forum after all.

    Hi: Not sure of version; can’t get in. Can’t log in; nothing happens. Tried re-setting password; kept telling me it was ‘too soon to use that password again’ even though I had not used it before.

    @sheila: ronmerk, WPyogi, and an awful lot of people would like to help you. ??

    Your site looks like it’s this one from your first post.


    It looks like you are using a plugin called Login Lock and I think that’s what’s causing you all this grief.

    Per that login lock page:

    If you’re locked out of your site and want to deactivate the plugin, FTP to your site, navigate to the wp-content/plugins directory, and rename the login lock directory to something else. That will cause WordPress to automatically deactivate the plugin

    Can you navigate to your wp-content/plugins directory via FTP or whatever file management tools your host has provided you with? Look for a directory called login-lock. If you see that then please make a backup first and then delete the one there.

    Just that one login-lock directory and nothing else.

    I Agree – no bad intention intend. I’m just feeling bad that Sheila is struggle so much. And I’m hesitant to discuss passwords etc on the forum. Lets hope Sheila works it out here.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    ronmerck, thanks for your understanding. I’m pretty sure it’s that plugin, maybe we can walk Sheila through sorting it out.

    I’m all for that Jan …and I think it’s the plugin too. I’m hoping as you are, that she has FTP and can just go into the plugin directory, back it up and then delete “Login Lock”.


    If you have access to your Host company’s CPanel/Dashboard, you can also carry this process out through your CPanel file manager. Although Jan’s FTP suggestion is by far easier.

    Thread Starter DrSheilaherenow


    What is an FTP and how would I access it? I can only get to the log in page. I did see something about being protected by a Log in Lock. If I click it, will it take me where you think I should go?

    (I am always being told that I am logged out because someone is attempting to log in to my site (it isn’t me- when it was working my password worked fine. Never understood why I was locked out when someone else was trying to get into my site. Ah, well, that’s another issue.)

    Thank you all.


    Thread Starter DrSheilaherenow


    I am headed to google FTP and will try and do as suggested if I can get to Plug in Directory.

    @drsheilaherenow: You can’t FTP to google; they’re not a webhost.

    What is your site URL? Who is your web host?

    If you need FTP, see Filezilla and FTP Clients ? WordPress Codex.

    Thread Starter DrSheilaherenow


    ?? no I meant Google the term FTP. I didn’t know what that meant. My site is: https://www.drsheilaherenow.net Word Press.org.

    Thanks for caring! Thank you all for caring.

    I use Fillzilla as my FTP client. Google “FTP software”

    Also you should have access to your Host company Cpanel or Dashboard. Almost every company you self host WordPress will have some sort of online Cpanel access. In it, there is almost always a “file manager” for your site. Not so robust as FTP, but it will get the jon done. You could delete/rename the offending plugin using that tool as well

    If all else fails, post a job at: jobs.Wordpress.net. There are lots of people there that work professionally on WordPress


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