i think i have the answer, based on this email from our hosting service:
We have noticed a large amount of comment notification spam originating from your account, which indicates that your blog is being abused by spammers and resulting in a large number of emails being sent from your account. Abuse in this manner can lead to several issues including an increased consumption of CPU and spam complaints. In order to stop the large influx of spam notifications, we have changed two settings in WordPress-admin. Under Settings -> Discussion, we unchecked the box that says ‘E-mail me whenever Anyone posts a comment’ and checked the box ‘Users must be registered and logged in to comment’.
If you require either of these two settings to be changed, please use these additional suggestions to help combat spam posts to your blog
1. Configure Akismet
This plugin comes with wordpress by default and can be used to to stop spam comments to your blog.
2. Install reCAPTCHA