• Fantastic plugin – you will probably want to configure it to your needs with some custom development as it cannot possibly interpret all the ways a merchant may want to set up their cart. Currently have it running very stable with over 350 products

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  • a little surprised you had a poor experience.

    would you care to share what your question was with the community?

    it has been the case that support is very good at chasing down questions that are related to why something isn’t working correctly, but if it is a customization issue that wouldn’t usually fall within their responsibility.

    the reason I continue to use WPeC is that it is the most flexible solution available. the sites i work on are all highly customized and all have very special needs. if you find something better please share.


    Thread Starter tb245


    Hi Jeff

    Thank you for your reply. Here is an excerpt from an unanswered email.

    The way the variants function does not make sense to my idea of how to market my product despite it appearing to me that it should work my way, however right or wrong that perception is.

    I have set up 4 Variant Sets (attached xls)
    Each image may be purchased as any single subvariant item from any one of the variant sets. You can buy a 13×20 as a framed print, a gallery wrapped canvas, a silver gelatin print, or a digital print. The price is different for each sub variant based upon size 5×7, 8×12 etc. Based upon my configuration wp-ecommerce generates the variations in a way that makes no sense to me and corrupts the pricing structure I set to the subvariants.

    I have set this product to demonstrate the issue more clearly (update: this is no longer configured this way – now one variant set with 35 variants is running the cart):

    I selected all 4 Variant sets to be displayed, but for simplicity I chose to list only two of the subvariants in each variant set so its easier to decipher what is happening. I click generate variants and update and view product page

    If I choose Custom Framed Print> 5×7 Framed Print Price is now $500 instead of the $150 I programmed into admin>products>variations. But even though the price is displayed as $500 I still cant put it in the cart until I select 3 more sub variants – all of which have now had their pricing changed at generation as the cart combined variants together that should of remained independent. The cart will now deliver an order for 4 products at an incorrect generated price instead of one product at the programmed price.

    Variations Link: https://karenimages.com/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?taxonomy=wpsc-variation&post_type=wpsc-product

    So – from your message I am arriving to the conclusion that it is not a bug, it is the engineered reality of the program. The only way I see to make it work for me without customization is one variant set with 35 variants. Is this the only way to set up my pricing with this cart or am I missing a better way to configure it for my product needs?

    If I felt I had to have this type of variant customization done by a senior wp developer, in your opinion is it easily possible, not possible at all, or it would require a lot of work to be implemented?

    Thank you for your patience and replies.

    Many Thanks
    As I said I bought the Gold Cart and the included support token was consumed by being told my issue was custom and no advice was available. I followed up and asked if a refund was possible. I was told no, for reasons I can appreciate, and then they offered perhaps they could help if they understood more. I sent more info and then no additional contact. I have even found another bug I reported – it will not allow me to change the sort order on items caught between pages. IE – I have had to change from four variant sets to 1 set to make the system work. I can sort subvariants items 1-20 kind of, but trying to move an item in the 3rd slot on the first page to the second page is nearly impossible. Moving 3 items from the second page to the first I believe is impossible. I still do not have my variants organized properly after an hour and a half of trying every thing I could thing of to force a sort.

    Meanwhile I have now moved forward and started looking to hire developers to add functionality. However, it is the attitude of support that I am most disappointed about. The person seemed offended when he shouldnt have been and reacted rudely to me asking for help. As I said the whole experience has me disappointed. I am too far in to think about another cart since 345 products have been fully programmed.

    Thats my story – Many thanks for any suggestions



    Hi there… My name is Edward WP eCommerce Support Manager.

    I’m truly sorry for the trouble you’ve experienced. I’ve checked in on your support topic within our premium support system.

    I believe that at this time this is beyond the scope of what the plugin is able to deliver and is unfortunately beyond the capability of supports role.

    Since your question was not answered or did not fit what support is able to assist with you should have been offered a credit of your support token. I have credited the token and you will be able to use it again in the future if you should have a need.

    I see you have a rather specific unique need for your variations. I do not have an answer for your specific needs at this time. I am consulting with out developer if there is any way to set up variations in a way that will work for you. I can’t promise any solution at this time but I will sincerely try to find one.

    Once again I’m sorry for any confusion of trouble this has caused you.

    I will continue to work with you within our support system. I have taken over your topic and when I have any further information I’ll reply there.


    @tb245 from your description I am a having hard time understanding the pricing “formula” used to determine how the final product price is determined.

    What would work for variations, or the other option plugins I am familiar with is each variation dimension either:

    1) Setting a base price for the item
    2) Adding or subtracting a fixed amount against the price of the item
    3) Adding or subtracting a percentage price against the price of the item

    Can your final configured product price fit into the above calculation? If so then variations will work.

    The product options plugin I have does not create individual products, but changes the final price based on options selected. Very similar to variations but it does not create individual products, and the options can be selected using checkboxes and edit boxes rather than just the variation dropdown. So a 5×7 print might be based priced at $100, adding a custom frame might add $20, using canvas might also add $50, etc.

    – jeff

    Thread Starter tb245


    Thank You Edward and Jeff. This more along the lines of the support I expected. I realize everything is not always optimal, just like I am not always optimal.

    So anything you can share is appreciated.

    Jeff thank you for joining in on the conversation. Your suggestion is interesting, but I am not sure it could work as there is a big disparity in pricing and sizes. For instance I do not know of a single darkroom that can print a silver gelatin over 24″ today. So I cannot imagine a way this could correlate to 48×72 off a digital machine.

    Here is price list of Variant Sets and Variants
    Item Price
    5×7 Silver Gelatin Print 125
    8×12 Silver Gelatin Print 250
    9×14 Silver Gelatin Print 375
    12×18 Silver Gelatin Print 450
    13×20 Silver Gelatin Print 495

    4×6 Fine Art Print 15
    5×7 Fine Art Print 25
    8×12 Fine Art Print 35
    9×14 Fine Art Print 65
    13×20 Fine Art Print 95
    16×24 Fine Art Print 145
    20×30 Fine Art Print 225
    24×36 Fine Art Print 275
    26×40 Fine Art Print 325
    30×45 Fine Art Print 395
    32×48 Fine Art Print 445
    36×54 Fine Art Print 495
    40×60 Fine Art Print 575

    Canvas 13 x 20 500
    Canvas 16 x 24 700
    Canvas 20 x 30 900
    Canvas 24 x 36 1200
    Canvas 26 x 40 1300
    Canvas 30 x 45 1500
    Canvas 32 x 48 1600
    Canvas 36 x 54 1800
    Canvas 40 x 60 2400

    5 x 7 Framed Print 150
    8 x 12 Framed Print 225
    13 x 20 Framed Print 325
    16 x 24 Framed Print 495
    20 x 30 Framed Print 695
    24 x 36 Framed Print 895

    I know everyone thinks there issue is worthy of a new plugin. I am not going there. However as a photographer I could not find a cart I was comfortable with. Features I am looking to add are correcting the aspect ratio problem with product images. Its a problem unique to photographers who shoot vertical and horizontal. Currently I can only force one dimension so a horizontal will be 200×125 and a vertical 200×300.

    The other feature I want to add is a previous and next feature at the product description page so clients can browse through images in the same category.

    Lastly there is still a bug I think I found no one has addressed. Now that I have one Variant Set and 35 variants I cannot sort from page 2 to page 1 and vice versa. I have 5 products on page 2 that will not move and sort to page 1 in Variants control panel. If you try and select variants you will see it starts off almost in order and then in the middle a mess of out of place items followed by the final items sorted correctly. I spent an hour and a half trying everything before giving up. How do you move an item from page 2 to page 1?

    Again Many Thanks – You can add another star to this report thanks to Edward and his willingness to address my issue.

    If things are as simple as a straight forward price list based on the single selection I am sure the product options plugin plugin I wrote can do this.

    It seems to be exactly what I have done on this site https://www.bling-transfers.com. In this case there are only two options for the product, but the plugin code doesn’t really care if there are 2 or 200.

    So you and your developers can get a handle on the difficulty, the product options plugin configuration is done via a WordPress hook. This is the code used for the site mentioned above.

     * @param $options
     * @param $product_id
     * @return mixed
    function sgtp_transfer_price_options( $options, $product_id ) {
    	$design_id = sg_get_product_design_id( $product_id );
    	if ( $design_id ) {
    		$prices  = array();
    		$choices = array();
    		$prices['regular'] = sgtp_transfer_price( $product_id, 'regular' );
    		$prices['premium'] = sgtp_transfer_price( $product_id, 'premium' );
    		$choices['regular'] = 'Regular (' . wpsc_currency_display( $prices['regular'] ) . ')';
    		$choices['premium'] = 'Premium (' . wpsc_currency_display( $prices['premium'] ) . ')';
    		$option = new Dropdown_Product_Option( 'transfer-type' );
    		$option->set_override( true );
    		$option->set_group( 'Rhinestone Transfer Type', 5 );
    		$option->set_value( 'regular' );
    		$option->set_prices( $prices );
    		$option->set_choices( $choices );
    		$option->set_prompt( 'Transfer Type' );
    		$option->set_enabled( true );
    		$option->set_selected( true );
    		$option->set_description( 'What type of transfer' );
    		$options[ $option->get_key() ] = $option;
    	return $options;
    add_filter( 'register_product_option', 'sgtp_transfer_price_options', 10, 2 );

    – jeff

    Thread Starter tb245


    Thanks Jeff we will investigate this!



    I’ve been talking with Jeff and we have some questions. Looking at your variations and prices (from first glance) it doesn’t appear there is a mathematical scheme to the pricing?

    Rather than posting your list of variations can you provide the method you arrive at your pricing? This could help determine if it’s at all possible to replicate.

    It honestly may not be possible and the final result just wouldn’t be suitable.

    As you pointed out you had a hard time finding a suitable store for your specific needs.

    The optional code Jeff provided is a great starting point maybe you could hire Jeff to build this for you? I’m sure it would result in something much more specific to the task.


    Thread Starter tb245


    I just want to follow up and share that a lot of support has now been provided behind the scenes of this thread. Edward has gone over and beyond to assist me in braining out a solution to my product specific issue that is outside the box of the design. I am greatly appreciative as I now have a better understanding of the issues and possibilities I can choose from. My experience is now 5 stars and I will be creating a new review once I reach my final solution so I can report the details to the community. You guys really are 5 stars.

    Code is poetry and the open source community is amazing – so grateful ??

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