• On my site I have a button that links to a sign up form for our wellness membership.

    The button is not showing up on the website, or rather its shows up for a second, then disappears, but only the outline of it. If you refresh the page, it shows up for a second.


    the button is above the words, “Download Membership Form”

    Same thing happens for the intake form on the other page. The button is not visible.


    it should be below the words,”Please fill out the Massage Intake Form Online.”

    What could be the issue, when I have checked the forums, everyone has problems, but no solutions.

    I tried to upgrade everything, only plugin not upgraded is google xxl, and it wont let it update, I dont know why.

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  • The image is not showing up because it does not exist at the url specified. The page is looking here for the image file: https://massage.greenspeakdev.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/membership_button_2.png, but when you visit you will see the image does not exist. Same for your second button: https://massage.greenspeakdev.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/intake_form_button.png.

    Thread Starter HBernard


    Hi I really appreciate the reply, thank you.

    The button is there for a second, then disappears. So, it must exists if it is showing up right?

    If you refresh the page, you can see it. So, Im not sure its the wrong url.

    Does that make sense? Do you still think its the same issue?

    What do you suggest I do to fix it?

    I do not ever see the image. The webpage is expecting the images to appear at the links I provided in the last message. Do you have control over the website https://greenspeakdev.com? That is where the images are supposed to be located. Two options:

    1. Contact the developer who built your site and ask for some assistance.
    2. Figure out where the images are supposed to be and insert the correct link into the page template.
    Thread Starter HBernard


    You are right, they are no longer appearing, but they were.

    The Greenspeak guy is MIA, so I cant do anything there.

    Im sorry, this is unclear to me.

    “Figure out where the images are supposed to be and insert the correct link into the page template.”

    Where they are supposed to be in the ???

    Correct link? can I make a new one?

    Thank you for your help. Im not too versed in this stuff, but I have been managing.

    Do you have a copy of the images somewhere?

    Thread Starter HBernard


    Yes, they are uploaded to word press on the images page.

    To replace the bad url (greenspeakdev.com) with the image url from your site you will need to go to your pages in the admin and find the Membership page and Appointments page. In the page look for the missing image. You will need to replace the bad url with the good one.



    Thread Starter HBernard


    Nate, I appreciate you being very helpful.

    New issue, so yay!! the pictures have shown up now, but they will not link.

    I added the link address to the “intake form” and to the “Signup form” and I know they work because when I am editing, I open in new tab and the pages are there.

    What could be going wrong now?

    Thank you for your continued efforts.


    You’re quite welcome. Happy to help.

    I was able to click on the images and was sent to the appropriate page. Not sure what you mean by “they will not link”.

    Thread Starter HBernard


    Weird !! but, good I think.

    I mean, when I push on the button nothing happens. I cleared my cache and tried in a different browser, still no luck. I see the url pop up on the bottom when I wave over it.

    I also tried it on my iphone, cant see the buttons but when I click where they should be the links open.

    What do you think it could be?

    thanks again, we are getting so close…

    Thread Starter HBernard


    Any idea Nate?

    Sorry, for delay in response. I was on vacation without email. I’ll dive back in and see about an answer.

    It appears you have wrapped the buttons in Flash. That is why it will not work on the iPhone

    Thread Starter HBernard


    No worries, about the delay I really appreciate your help.

    Its not just my iphone, its the computer and different browser where I cant get it to open.

    If its flash, how do I unwrap it?

    if its not flash, what else could it be?


    In your source there is this:

    <a href="https://www.mamobilemassage.com/membership/membership-signup/"><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="200" height="100" codebase="https://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"><param name="src" value="https://www.mamobilemassage.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/membership_button_2-e1321629717679.png" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="200" height="100" src="https://www.mamobilemassage.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/membership_button_2-e1321629717679.png"></embed></object>

    You want to change to this:
    <a href="https://www.mamobilemassage.com/membership/membership-signup/"><img src="https://www.mamobilemassage.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/membership_button_2-e1321629717679.png"></a>

    I believe this should work.

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