I require 4 modules each displaying Latest comments, Latest articles etc. Where would i start building that?
For a site with a static front page, I’d suggest copying page.php and using the new copy as the framework for a custom page template.
Once the new custom template is uploaded, you can assign it to your front page and start work on customising it further without impacting on your underlying pages in any way.
Does this handle code via the page input wysiwyg?
That depends upon how you approach it. You could make the new front page template widget-capable:
You can then use either some of the native widgets in Admin/Appearance/Widgets or some 3rd party widgets to add functionality. But that is only going to give you limited wysiwyg capabilities at best.
Another approach would be to create child Pages of your front page and then use either get_posts or query_posts to pull the content of those children onto your front page as needed. That would give you full wysiwyg capabilities.