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  • Thread Starter airdrummer


    after inspecting the code, i see that the check for get_page_count is only in the fetchSelecetedPostTypes section…i’ve taken the liberty of fixing thet 4 u(-:

    			$text_color_page_visit = 'style="color: '
    				. (isset($text_color_page_visit) && $text_color_page_visit != null) ? $text_color_page_visit: '#000000' ) 
    				. ';"';
    			$innerSettings = get_post_meta($pageID,'get_page_count',true);
    			if (($innerSettings == '' || $innerSettings == 'yes') 
    			&&  ($fetchSelecetedPostTypes == ''
    				 || $fetchSelecetedPostTypes == null
    				 || in_array($post->post_type,json_decode($fetchSelecetedPostTypes))))
    					$html .= '<p id="page-visit-counter-shortcode-block" class="page-visit-counter-block" '
    							.$text_color_page_visit.'><img src="'.site_url()
    							.'/wp-content/plugins/page-visit-counter/images/1456175371_vector_65_14.png" /><span id="shortcode_'
    							.$pageID.'" style="margin-left: 5px;margin-right: 5px;" class="page_amount_visitor_shortcode">'
    							.$total.'</span>'.__('total visits.','page-visit-counter').'</p>';
    Thread Starter airdrummer


    it would also be niceto be able to exclude IP ranges or wildcards…

    Thread Starter airdrummer


    here’s a bit of code that looks promising

    function check_netmask($mask, $ip) {
        @list($net, $bits) = explode('/', $mask);
        $bits = isset($bits) ? $bits : 32;
        $bitmask = -pow(2, 32-$bits) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
        $netmask = ip2long($net) & $bitmask;
        $ip_bits = ip2long($ip)  & $bitmask;
        return (($netmask ^ $ip_bits) == 0);
    Thread Starter airdrummer


    totals should not be in excerpts:

    <span class="excerpt">this is the place! 0total visits.</span>

    Thread Starter airdrummer


    i’ve also fixed the reports queries:

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by airdrummer.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by airdrummer.
    Plugin Author Dotstore


    Hello @airdrummer

    Thanks for using our plugin and reaching us.

    Regarding your query we are working on this and also we are adding some new feature as well in our plugin.

    You will get this feature perfectly working in our next release.

    Thanks for the sharing you query.

    Plugin Author Dotstore


    Hello @airdrummer

    We have recently updated our plugin and added some new feature in our plugin.

    Can you please update our plugin in your site and let me know if you still face any issue on your end?

    I am happy to hear your feedback here.


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