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  • Same problem here…

    My approach was to use this plugin:

    Then, I added to my Child theme the following CSS statements to suppress the meta details:

    #doc-permissions-details .bp-docs-can-read_comments,
    #doc-permissions-details .bp-docs-can-post_comments,
    .bp-docs-access-row.bp-docs-access-row-post_comments  {
      display: none;

    Plugin Author David Cavins


    Hi all-

    Comments are allowed on a per-doc basis, via the access setting post comments. The most restrictive setting is “the Doc author only.” Please be sure that you’re logged out (or logged in as a different user) to check whether the comments section is actually showing up on your doc inappropriately.

    If the comments section is still showing up on that doc, leave a test comment on that doc’s read page, then log in as your site admin user and, via wp-admin, see which post that comment is being applied to. (Is it the doc you were viewing, or some other post/page?)

    If the comments section is still being forced to display, it may be something in your theme. It would be really helpful if you could install the excellent plugin “Query Monitor” and load that doc’s read page. What Template does QM think is being used to display that doc? (Mine uses buddypress.php for example.) Please report back which template is being used, and which theme you’re using.

    Thanks for your troubleshooting help!



    I don’t even want the Doc author to have comment ability. I feel there should be a global setting to disable – just like there is for attachments. Unfortunately, adding the following to my child theme didn’t work (but, the plugin I referenced did):

    add_action( 'init', 'remove_buddy_docs_comment' );
    function remove_buddy_docs_comment() {
        remove_post_type_support( 'bp_doc', 'comments' );

    To answer your question, we are using the Twenty Fourteen theme. I created a test post, set Comments to “the Doc author only”, then signed back in as a different user. The post displayed the warning “Comment display has been disabled on this doc.”, but the comment box was still presented immediately below the warning. The comment appeared on that post. Signing back in as the author, checked the dashboard and the comment was associated with the post there also.

    Regarding QM, it reports the template as

    I also tried the Twenty Fifteen theme. Same behaviour – except QM reported
    /wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/page.php of course. ??

    Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    This is probably related to other comment-related issues: in some themes, the comment area on Docs is controlled by buddypress-docs, while in others, the theme’s native commenting area appears.

    A global solution, until this is sorted out in Docs, would be something like this:

    function bbg_disable_all_bp_docs_comments( $open, $post_id ) {
        $post = get_post( $post_id );
        if ( $post && bp_docs_get_post_type_name() == $post->post_type ) {
            $open = false;
        return $open;
    add_filter( 'comments_open', 'bbg_disable_all_bp_docs_comments', 100, 2 );
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