i have an even bigger issue with WF on this. It is really really bad and i will explain what and why it is.
Disabling Wordfence
When i disable the WF plugin WF tells us to do the following (this i learned after first crashes of some sites).
Checking correct setting before disabling
You have to check the setting > “Delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation” so you will not be left with any WF settings et cetera. So we do/did.
Result > Database connection error
Next you should be able to safely disable the plugin. It didn’t, it completely broke the site and gave a DataBase connection error. So…. checking that… nothing wrong except that all the database tables suddenly are completely empty.
First solution backup
So… we go to our daily backupset and start putting back a backup of the files and database… and here is the really, really, really bad part… all the DB backups are corrupted??? So, in a normal enabled state, were site and backend et cetera is functioning normal, our backup system has created backups of everything but Wordfence made every DB corrupted.
I have a complete explanation of our Serverprovider on this how-and-why.
End of story
End of story… we couldn’t get the site back online… we have files but no working, correct Database… and NO way to enable WF again to get the site back in a working fashion so we had to rebuild it from ground up.
this is by far the baddest thing i have ever experienced using any plugin and it is an issue on a couple of hundred websites at our end but i can suspect it to be an issue on many, many more sites.
None, there is no solution so far. Perhaps deleting everything of WF manualy in both files as DB tables will work (which we are investigating now) but there is no solution to the loss of these websites. They are simple gone… Unless anybody has a terrific solution for this Mega problem
gr. Dennis
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
DODO Internet. Reason: finetuning