We can’t share full “Site Health Info” because it contains some sensitive data. I left only important details for this issue:
### wp-core ###
version: 5.7.2
site_language: en_US
user_language: en_US
permalink: /%postname%/
https_status: true
multisite: false
### wp-dropins (3) ###
advanced-cache.php: true
db-error.php: true
maintenance.php: true
### wp-active-theme ###
name: GeneratePress Child (generatepress_child)
parent_theme: GeneratePress (generatepress)
### wp-parent-theme ###
name: GeneratePress (generatepress)
version: 3.0.3
author: Tom Usborne
author_website: https://tomusborne.com
theme_path: /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/generatepress
auto_update: Disabled
### wp-plugins-active ###
Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced): version: 5.6.0, author: Automattic, Auto-updates disabled
bbPress: version: 2.6.6, author: The bbPress Contributors, Auto-updates disabled
Image Upload for BBPress: version: 1.1.18, author: Aspen Grove Studios, Auto-updates enabled
### wp-media ###
image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
imagick_module_version: 1690
imagemagick_version: ImageMagick 6.9.10-23 Q16 x86_64 20190101 https://imagemagick.org
### wp-server ###
server_architecture: Linux 5.4.0-70-generic x86_64
httpd_software: nginx/1.18.0
php_version: 7.4.3 64bit
php_sapi: fpm-fcgi
### wp-database ###
extension: mysqli
server_version: 10.3.29-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
client_version: mysqlnd 7.4.3
So, it doesn’t depend on the theme, WP core version or PHP version. We can reproduce it on fresh installation (latest plugins – bbPress and Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) with Twenty Twenty-one theme).
We’ve enabled Visual editor (TinyMCE) by bbPress instructions (Enable Visual Editor). There is used same hook in your plugin and bbPress snippets – bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args.
Without your plugin, “rich-text copy/paste” works. When we activate your plugin then the line 115 (bbp-image-upload.php) blocks this feature:
$args['tinymce']['paste_as_text'] = true;
Your code uses pretty high priority 9999 which overrides our defaults. You can see TinyMCE documentation for paste_as_text which your plugin forces to “true”. It’s obviously hard-coded into bbp-image-upload.php. We can “hack” it, but we’d like to hear from your developer why it’s needed and why prio 9999 is needed? It’ll be good to you fix it in the plugin’s code.