• Is it possible to disable the “Your Profile” (redirected page) from loading for Super-Admin/Admin status?

    Meaning – When inside of the Dashboard, and you click “Your Profile” it actually stays within the Dashboard and doesn’t redirect to the “Your Profile” page that’s generated by the script?


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  • Krissy, thank you for your question!

    I’d like to know exactly the same.

    Thanks in advance for your help, Jeff!

    Hi there!

    It’s already three weeks ago that we posted our issues here.

    So someone have maybe a solution for this?!
    Jeff as the plugin developer, maybe you can advice us something?!?!

    Thanks in advance & Regards!

    Hi, Are you using the newest version of his plugin?

    If so, under the General Settings of TML, make sure Enable Themed Profiles is checked.

    Then TML > Themed Profiles uncheck “Administrator” from the list of Themed Profiles, and you’ll be set.


    Hi miller.seth.c!

    I saw, which options do you mean & maybe you’re right, but anyway:
    It didn’t work for me.

    Maybe because I copied the profile-form.php to my themes – folder…

    Any further suggestions?!


    Hi Chip_88,
    My current theme doesn’t have the profile-form.php copied into it. I would recommend copying it as a backup somewhere, and then removing it from the theme.

    While in the admin dashboard, when you click directly on “TML” in the left side hand column there are specific modules you can turn on and off. Do you have the module “Enable Themed Profiles” with the description of “Enabling this module will initialize and enable themed profiles. You will then have to configure the settings via the “Themed Profiles” tab.” checked?

    If you do, there will be another choice that is in the menu under TML that says: Themed Profiles.

    If you uncheck “Administrator” and “Save Changes” then click on “Edit my Profile” where does it take you?

    Hi miller.seth.c!

    Thanks for your answer & your adivces!!!

    I was seeing the soultion all the time, but I didn’t know exactly, what and how to configure. – YOU gave the crucial clue!!!

    First of all, I copied the profile-form.php into my current theme, because it was suggested in the file itself:

    If you would like to edit this file, copy it to your current theme’s directory and edit it there.
    Theme My Login will always look in your theme’s directory first, before using this default template.

    I think, it is better to have profile-form.php in the current theme folder, because if you update the Theme My Login – Plugin, profile-form.php will be overwritten otherwise. (Or you just don’t forget to back it up, before you update it and replace it after the update! ?? )

    2nd: I already had turned all the modules on (except reCAPTCHA). But I had changed all the Custom User Links to the redirected profile, because I didn’t want my users to see:
    a) the URL leading to wp-admin (~/wp-admin/profile.php), but only a short URL (~/index.php/profile) and
    b) enabling Custom User Links gives you the possibility to remove the three automatic links in the login wigdet (Dashboard, Profile, Logout).

    3rd: In addition, but wrongly (!), I had chosen all the user roles in the settings of Themed Profiles, i. e. also the Administrator was redirected to the custom profile and not the one in the admin area.

    → Last, but not least: My solution of that issue:
    1st: I left the profile-form.php in the current theme’s folder.
    2nd: I let enabled the module Themed Profiles, but unchecked the Administrator there.
    3rd: I corrected my Custom User Links (Administrator: ~/wp-admin/profile.php; all the other user roles: ~/index.php/profile).
    4th: Now, clicking on profile takes me (as Admin) to ~/wp-admin/profile.php.

    If I (as Admin) want to see the custom profile, I just check the “Administrator” in the settings of Themed Profiles and here we go!!!

    THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN, miller.seth.c!!!

    You made my day!!! ??


    P. D.: This topic can be marked as SOLVED, because also issue of the topic starts Krissy is solved (if she will follow this instruction!).

    I know this topic is old but it is the most recent one I can find for this issue.

    The solution here does not solve the problem for me.

    I have Administrator unchecked for themed profiles and also under user links I have the administrator profile link set to mysite.com/wp-admin/profile.php.

    However going to my profile from the front end still brings me to the themed profile on the front end and I still get the error at the bottom of the page for admin.

    I noticed that this has been a problem for some time now, topics go back for years. Has anyone, plugin author, anyone, figured this out yet?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    After much fussing I found the solution that may work for you. If you have Multisite and you access the site where TML is active. It doesn’t matter if your Super Admin, your changes to TML will not effect your settings unless you add yourself as Administrator.

    Although you are SuperAdmin the disable TML for Administrator won’t work unless you follow these steps

    Add User: Add your own SuperUser username as Administrator
    Now disable TML for administrator and it works; you will need see the TML page if wanting to edit your profile

    Hope it helps others

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