Disable useless mods on Apache
Hi, after few months of searching in google I came here to ask you for help to tell me what mods are useless on apache for wordpress and what are needed because my server gonna blow up soon… all the time server is sending emergency messages with the memmory and CDP usage of apache.
Currently I have this modules enabled:access_compat allowmethods auth_basic authn_anon authn_core authn_dbm authn_socache authz_core authz_dbd authz_dbm authz_groupfile authz_owner bw cache cache_disk dbd deflate dumpio echo expires,ext_filter filter headers include jk lbmethod_bybusyness lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_heartbeat logo lua passenger perl proxy (can't be disabled) proxy_express proxy_fcgi (can't be disabled) proxy_fdpass proxy_scgi proxy_wstunnel remoteip reqtimeout rewrite slotmem_plain slotmem_shm socache_dbm socache_memcache socache_shmcb substitute suexec systemd unique_id unixd userdir version vhost_alias
Don’t know what to disable =( help plz!
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