Hi There,
I am surprised you didn’t answer yet. I even saw the previous person asking, still with no support answer after 2 weeks… that doesn’t sound good in case of a real issue, we shouldn’t expect any support before a minimum of 2 weeks?
with that message, I am also testing the support of free plugin of gift cards.
I did stuff to 3 different gift car plugin. :
-the first answer they can’ fix my issue for now, maybe next update…
-the second also very responsive (within a day), answer all my information perfectly and found a solution to my problem.
-the third is you : no answer after 3 days. The person before me, still waiting for support after 2 weeks.
I totally understand that a free plugin is not paying your rent. I understand you will fix first the issue of the clients that pay but free plugin are a big part of WordPress. It is better to tell the user that the support is a minimum of 2 weeks for example, at least there is no surprise.
In my case, support is very important as it is for a business. Your plugin was my favorite in my tests and to my client too. But sadly I will choose another one to manage my gift card as the support is not reactive at all. Now it’s just a question before choosing t but once I have a bug or big issue, I can pause my business for 2 weeks till I get an answer from the support.
Sorry guys, i just wanted to be honest with. Even if it’s too late for me, I hope my comment will help you.
Good luck.