• Resolved Olly – OWMC



    I am selling tickets online so shipping is never required. I don’t require the customer’s address details at all. (I have unset the woocommerce billing address fields).

    I followed this post and modified wc_gateway_paypal_express_angelleye.php so that the shipping address is not displayed in the paypal checkout ( ‘noshipping’ => ‘1’). It worked, that’s cool! (but would be cooler if i didn’t have to modify the plugin file).

    My problem is now that the order then fails, sending me back to my site’s cart page with the error “10727 – The field Shipping Address1 is required“.

    In my WooCommerce>Settings>Shipping I’ve got the “enable shipping” unchecked, so that should be fine. And when i look at my product settings it’s set to “Simple Product” and “Virtual” (but not downloadable).

    So is there anything I’m missing here? If not is there a fix or maybe there is a work around (putting in a default address line)?


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  • Plugin Contributor angelleye


    The NOSHIPPING option is now a setting included with the plugin so you won’t have to edit the file. It’s already merged into the release branch on GitHub and will be included in the 1.1.8 update that we’ll be releasing before long.

    It is odd you would be getting that particular error. Can you post a sample of the full API request and response? That would be available if you had logs enabled in the plugin..??

    Thread Starter Olly – OWMC


    Thanks angeleye, i’ll get the logs in the next hour. Should I post it here? (is it sensitive data?)

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    Probably better if you submit to my support system directly.

    Thread Starter Olly – OWMC


    Done. I’ll report back here for others once we’re done.

    Thread Starter Olly – OWMC


    So after some exploration and chat with Angeleye on his support system we have uncovered the error’s cause.

    I was using the Express checkout button from the Woocommerce checkout page, not from the Cart or Product pages. But that alone isn’t the root cause. The default Woocommerce checkout page collects Billing Details via a required form that the user fills in before clicking the Pay Now button.

    Normally this wouldn’t cause the error.

    However my billing details form was customised by me (via functions.php in my theme) to only collect certain details and to not collect other details that would be normally required. I had forced Woocommerce to ‘skip’ the requirement for ‘Address Line 1’ and ‘Postcode’. The reasoning was that I didn’t want or need these details for my purposes as a merchant selling non-shippable goods.

    Although error 10727 was showing (which regards address line 1), there was also an error for the missing Postcode.

    So what seems to have happened is this:

    I collected “some” (but not all) billing details on the site on the checkout page. When the user then clicks Pay Now (to “proceed to paypal”), that information is sent to Paypal Express to process with the payment. Paypal Express normally doesn’t require this information as PP Express is intended to take care of that. Meaning one of the major ‘benefits’ of PP Express is that the user doesn’t ‘need’ to enter any billing details on the WordPress/Woocommerce site, the user can do this in one go from the PP Express page.

    However, if the WP/WC site does collect billing information, then PP Express attempts to process the payment with those details. So when it received the user’s partially completed billing details (missing address line 1 and postcode), it failed, and returns the user to the cart page where the error message is displayed.

    So how to fix?

    Well fairly easily and there are 2 or 3 ways.

    1. Add the missing fields to the checkout page. This should then give PP Express everything it needs to process the payment with the billing details supplied from the WP site. (though i haven’t tested this)

    2. Force remove all the billing details fields from the form on the Woocommerce checkout page. This worked for me and allowed me to keep using the Checkout page.

    3. Use the Proceed to Paypal button on the Woocommerce Cart page, thus skipping the need for the Checkout page entirely. This is the best solution if the only payment gateway you’re using is PP Express. Which is the case for me so I’m going to implement it. This way users have 1 less step to go through towards converting.

    NOTES: If you still have problems it is worth experimenting with the check box labelled “Set billing address in WooCommerce using the address returned by PayPal.” in the Woocommerce settings under Checkout > Paypal Express Checkout (near the bottom of the page). You may also want to experiment editing the ‘noshipping’ => ” line in the wc_gateway_paypal_express_angelleye.php file in the classes folder of the plugin. You can set it to 1 or leave it empty. Apparently this option may be making its way into the settings page for the plugin but for now you’ll have to edit the plugin file directly.

    Big shout out to Angeleye who provides great support and this is a great plugin.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    Thanks for coming back to provide all of that detail! If you have a moment to leave a quick review for the plugin that would be greatly appreciated, too. ??

    Thread Starter Olly – OWMC


    Done ?? I might add, that with Paypal Standard, forcing Woo to skip certain billing details wasn’t a problem. It’s only a problem with PP Express. But that’s PayPal’s questionable business strategy for you.

    I had this same problems just now, and i fixed it by clicking on this
    https://prntscr.com/9z7vi1 ( Set billing address in WooCommerce using the address returned by PayPal.PayPal only returns a shipping address back to the website. Enable this option if you would like to use this address for both billing and shipping in WooCommerce.) in PayPal Express settings, funny thing is when I tested in sandbox yesterday it didn’t show this error, but today I got error email 10727 – The field Shipping Address1 is required for customer.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    @kireaki, when exactly did you see that error? At the start of the process or when it was completing? Can you provide the log from the plugin? Hopefully logging was enabled when you did that..??

    When it was completing, When I clicked on proceed to checkout, then on PayPal and instead of original Complete order page it got me back on checkout with
    10727 – The field Shipping Address1 is required for customer.

    And i got this email (7:24 am +1gmt)
    DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call failed.

    Error Code: 10728
    Error Severity Code: Error
    Short Error Message: Shipping Address City Empty
    Detailed Error Message: The field Shipping Address City is required

    Sorry, logging wasnt enabled, :/ but i did enabled it now just in case if it happens again or something.

    I had some transactions today and everything went fine, so I guess it’s solved.

    Plugin Contributor angelleye


    Ok, just let me know if it happens again and provide the log at that time if it does. Thanks!

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