Security Notification from ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’
Hello ,
Thanks for using ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’.
During configuring this WordPress plugin at [my domain] you provided cPanel password over simple HTTP, which is not a best practice from the security point of view. Data travels the internet as plain text on HTTP. On the other hand, on an HTTPS connection data travels with encryption.
As our plugin has installed an SSL certificate for you, your website is now capable of this encryption. So we strongly recommend the following security precautions:
- Login to your WordPress website, go to the dashboard of ‘Auto-Install Free SSL’ and click the ‘Activate Force HTTPS’ button. Now your website loads over HTTPS, and you get the padlock in the browser address bar.
- Change your cPanel password.
- Go to the ‘cPanel settings’ page of Auto-Install Free SSL, provide the changed cPanel password and submit.
That’s it!
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Team Auto-Install Free SSL
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This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by