• Hello,

    I′m testing Full calendar on a page with agendaWeek as default view, with this shortcode:

    [eo_fullcalendar defaultView=”agendaWeek” headerRight=”prev,next today” headerCenter=”Calendar” headerLeft=”month,agendaWeek” mintime=”8″ maxtime=”18″ category=”category1″ alldayslot=”false”]

    Is there a way to disable the vertical scrollbar on the agendaWeek view and show the entire Calendar without scrolling? I’ve been trying changing the height via CSS but can’t disable the scrollbar.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you,



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  • Undless


    Hi there !

    I was looking for the same. I wanted to display a calendar in an agendaWeek format from 0h untill 24h.
    And i found a solution !
    3 lines 100% CSS hack. But… it still a HACK. Here is my code.

    .fc-view.fc-view-agendaWeek.fc-agenda{ height: 745px;}
    .fc-agenda-days.fc-border-separate{height: 100%;}
    .fc-view.fc-view-agendaWeek.fc-agenda > div > div{ height: auto !important;}

    Some explanations:

    • first is the “container”. I set it to 745px cause IN MY CASE there is a 25px height header and the 24 hours are 720px tall. Find your OWN VALUE.
    • second line is for the “day display” (the backgound of the days etc…). I set it to 100% in order to take the full height of his parent.
    • The third one is an auto generated bloc with inline css code… this is why you need the “!important” even it’s a baaaaad thing !! I also doesnt have any class or id so you need to reach it thx to the selector “>” :/ The height is set to a special value so i just put “auto” in order to let him take the heigh it need.

    And.. that’s all ! In my case the scroll “emplacement” (the column on the right) was event automatically removed by the pluggin.

    This code must be placed in your personal theme or on the css personalized area (to keep it while upgrading pluggins)

    Maybe it’s too late for you edobejar but your topic is the only one on the subjet so it may use other people.

    Keep goin’ !

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