• Hello and thanks so much for this wonderful theme.
    Is is possible to disable the responsiveness feature of this theme? I need it to look on tablets the exact same way as it appears desktop pc’s. Currently when I visit my site with Esplanade theme on a tablet, it places the sidebars beneath the page content. Which is good for readibility of course but from a lay out perspective it is not a preferred option. So I would like to have the sidebars next to the pages, also on tablets.

    Many thanks in advance.

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  • Hey,
    I was also trying for an whole day how to disable the responsiveness of theme, because the layouts of certain posts crashed when viewed on mobile devices

    This morning I found the solution.

    edit the style.css of the theme and delete everything below this entry:

    @media screen and (max-width: 1152px) {

    Further if you’re goog in css and if you have time you can modify the settings in each of the @media tags, there is one for any browser resoltution like you see above 1152px, 960px, 640px.

    I hope I could help you, take it as a late christmas present ??


    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Make sure you transfer modifications to the theme’s stylesheet into the Custom CSS section of the dashboard. Modifications to the theme’s files will erase whence the theme updates.

    Hello I am using this template in this site

    I need to disable the responsive hiding feature form tablets an mobile for the social icons and search box at the top right of the templates, as there is plenty of space for them to display as you can see when you reduce the size of the browser.

    Looked in Google and in the WP forums, but nothing specific on this.

    Not sure if I need to make a new post.

    Please any advice will be much appreciated.


    @pablo Molina – your question is not related to this theme, so yes, you should start a new thread. However, commercial themes aren’t supported on these forums, so you should really ask the developers of the theme for help with this.

    Thanks WPyogi. I contacted the developers and they gave the code below. I want to share and contribute.

    [moderated – not relevant to this theme/thread]

    Thanks but that code is not related to this theme – so it’s not appropriate in this thread – CSS is entirely theme specific.

    Additionally, you should be aware that any changes you make to theme files will be overwritten and lost when the theme is updated – it’s much better to use a child theme or custom CSS plugin for changes.

    [Please start a new thread if you have further questions.]

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