• My Pro version has just expired (BTW I just realized expired pro membership means I am locked out completely of the pro forum, and no more future updates mean I won’t even receive any bugfix for the version I pay for, which really is unacceptable if you ask me).

    Anyway now the below message is shown I have no way to remove it
    “There is a newer version of Events Manager Pro which is recommended for this current version of Events Manager as new features have been added. Please go to the plugin website and download the latest update.”

    Is there anyway to suppress the warning from the setting page?


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  • The terms and conditions of the Pro add-on are clearly set out on the Pro site and at the time of purchase.

    Which version of Events Manager and Events Manager Pro are you using?

    I’m a current Pro customer myself (and have been for something like 4-5 years now) as well as a plugin developer and I think it’s pretty shoddy to display a nag across all sites in a network if someone opts not to continuing paying for your plugin.

    Newbro: If you open up em-admin.php in the Events Manager plugin (not the Pro one) you’ll see at like 168 it checks to see if the constant EMP_DISABLE_WARNINGS is defined. So just add the following to your wp-config.php file to turn the warnings off:


    Not sure why they wouldn’t just tell you that.

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