Hi DrLightman
This feature just release on version 1.9.0
= 1.9.0 – 2018/08/06 =
* This feature upgrade is focused on adding a number of new options for excluding Lazy Load from sections of a site. Compatibility with WordPress 4.9.8, Gutenberg 3.4.0 and WooCommerce 3.4.4
* Feature – Add exclude from Lazy Load by URI
* Feature – Add exclude from Lazy Load by Page types
* Feature – Add support for using Wildcards in images and videos skipped classes
* Tweak – Upgrade lazyloadxt lib to latest version 1.1.0
* Tweak – Rename jquery.lazyloadxt.js to jquery.lazyloadxt.extra.js
* Tweak – Add new Exclude by URI’s and Page Types Options box and help text
* Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.8
* Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.4
* Tweak – Test for compatibility with Gutenberg 3.4.0
* Fix – Make Skip Classes feature work when have entered it to that list
* Credit – Props to Kurt @AMPERAGE-Marketing for his contribution to this release
Please upgrade and try on it to see if it works like what you want, i mean JS and CSS will not load on those excluded pages