• Hi, I like this plugin very much, but now as with WordPress 3.7 and the automatic core updates it can do there seem to be race conditions with this plugin.
    E.g. today I was notified that there’s an update available and a few hours later WordPress did the job on it’s own and notified me also via email. This makes the core update notifications kind of obsolete in this case I think.
    What do you think, wouldn’t it be a good idea to let the user decide if he wants core update notifications? In my case I would prefer plugin and theme update info only from now on.
    But on the other hand auto updates are only for minor releases default on. Maybe notifications for major releases only would be good?


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  • New WP 3.7 included the auto up dates which is really dumb. Because this could potentially bring your site down as they may be some plugins or themes already installed and may not be compatible with the new WP version. They should leave it to the website developers to decide. There is a long post regarding this on the WP site.

    You can add define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', false );

    Or use a plugin;automatic-updater’ do disable WP updates.

    I charge my clients for updates so I don’t want WP to send auto updates which might break their sites without checking first.

    I have fully customised my ‘WP Updates Notifier’ email which send an personalised email with my fees for updates and links to my order page.

    @monojp – You could disable core updates by using the line that @oavs lists.

    If you want to hack the plugin code you can change:
    $core_updated = self::core_update_check($message); // check the WP core for updates
    $core_updated = false
    and it will not check for core updates.

    I know that hacking the code is a bad idea, but if the notification email is really annoying, it will work until the maintainer updates the plugin.

    Maybe the maintainer could check for core updates based on whether WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE is defined.

    Just download the disable core updates plugin.

    Has anyone encountered a similar problem of not receiving plugin notifications.

    For example when I receive:
    (First time) 1 x notification of plugin ABC
    1 x notification of plugin XXX
    If I ignore the above updates and do not go ahead, next time around when I receive a notification it does not lists the same plugin updates (such as ABC and plugin XXX)

    Why is it that test does not list all the plugins due for updates and only the real email sent lists.
    Did you have the same problem and how did you solve it?

    And also if I want to address the notification to the user (say Mr Jones), how is it done? I have tried without success. I can receive correct user name (Mr. Jones) when I send as test but not the real email that goes out to the user.

    Developer is hard to find. I am hoping we can share some of the ideas.

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