Disable notification emails
I use xcloner to automatically backup my websites when my plugins auto update which is really neat. However every time it does so i get a notification email about the successful backup. Since i manage about 5 wordpress websites (and rising) the amount of notifications i receive are insane. It would be really awesome if there was a option to turn off those notification emails (unless there was a error of course). Is this something you are willing to implement?
I have added a new option called “Disable Email Notifications” in XCloner Settings->System tab, when enabled, it will only send email notifications on error messages. Please feel free to download and test the development version here https://github.com/ovidiul/XCloner-Wordpress/archive/dev.zip , i will include this in the next release.
Thank you so much for doing this, i have tested it and it works like a charm. Again, thank you!
Hi. When do you expect this option to be in the standard version? Thanks.
Hi there, it will probably be by the of this month, we are still testing some new added features and need to make sure they are properly implemented.
Hi Liuta,
I installed the recent update to disable the email notifications, but I have this situation:
* A couple of websites seemed to backup well, but I received a “backup error”-email with the reason “Empty reply from server”
* 1 website did backup but not upload to Webdav, and I received a “backup error”-email with the reason “select/poll returned error”
* Some other sites did not give me a backup error-email…Settings for Xcloner stayed the same in all cases (except the new toggle for disabling emails of course).
Can you explain these errors? I’ve never had these error-emails until after updating the plugin.
Thanks for checking ??
On the webdav website, can you check if the connection is still valid? Please also check the xcloner logger from the sites with errors, do you get any details there that might help debug this?
Here’s a bit of the log for the site that didn’t make it to the Webdav. Btw, when manually (through the plugin) uploading to Webdav, no problem… So, the connection is ok. In the log it looks like it was sent to Webdav?? Don’t see an error there… Here it is:
[2019-01-29 05:32:41] php_system.INFO: E_NOTICE: array ( ‘type’ => 8, ‘message’ => ‘Undefined property: stdClass::$backup_encrypt’, ‘file’ => ‘/home/scheffermak/domains/makelaarscheffer.nl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/xcloner-backup-and-restore/includes/class-xcloner-scheduler.php’, ‘line’ => 316, ) [] []
[2019-01-29 05:32:41] php_system.INFO: E_NOTICE: array ( ‘type’ => 8, ‘message’ => ‘Undefined property: stdClass::$backup_encrypt’, ‘file’ => ‘/home/scheffermak/domains/makelaarscheffer.nl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/xcloner-backup-and-restore/includes/class-xcloner-scheduler.php’, ‘line’ => 316, ) [] []
[2019-01-29 05:32:40] xcloner_archive.INFO: Sending backup error notification to [email protected] [] []
[2019-01-29 05:22:39] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Transferring backup backup_makelaarscheffer.nl-2019-01-29_05-20-sql-4c018.tgz to remote storage WEBDAV [“”] []
[2019-01-29 05:21:23] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Doing WEBDAV remote storage cleanup for 7 days limit [] []
[2019-01-29 05:21:23] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Creating the WEBDAV remote storage connection [“”] []
[2019-01-29 05:21:23] xcloner_scheduler.INFO: Transferring backup to remote storage WEBDAV [“CRON”] []
[2019-01-29 05:21:23] xcloner_scheduler.INFO: Updating last backup backup_makelaarscheffer.nl-2019-01-29_05-20-sql-4c018.tgz for schedule id #1 [] []
[2019-01-29 05:21:23] xcloner_scheduler.INFO: File archive process FINISHED. [“CRON”] []
[2019-01-29 05:21:23] xcloner_archive.INFO: Closing the backup archive backup_makelaarscheffer.nl-2019-01-29_05-20-sql-4c018.tgz with 2*512 zero bytes blocks. [] []
[2019-01-29 05:21:23] xcloner_archive.INFO: Adding 7459356 bytes of file xcloner-4c018/database-backup.sql to archive backup_makelaarscheffer.nl-2019-01-29_05-20-sql-4c018.tgz [] []
[2019-01-29 05:21:22] xcloner_archive.INFO: Adding 7343758 bytes of file xcloner-4c018/xcloner-4c018.log to archive backup_makelaarscheffer.nl-2019-01-29_05-20-sql-4c018.tgz [] []
[2019-01-29 05:21:22] xcloner_archive.INFO: Adding 2206892 bytes of file xcloner-4c018/backup_files.csv to archive backup_makelaarscheffer.nl-2019-01-29_05-20-sql-4c018.tgz [] []I’ve checked the log against a site where it didn’t send an error-email and it looks there are only 2 differences in the log:
[2019-01-29 05:32:40] xcloner_archive.INFO: Sending backup error notification to [email protected] [] []
Before that, it’s the same in sending to webdav, the only difference here is this line at the site where it went ok:
[2019-01-29 05:12:12] xcloner_remote_storage.INFO: Deleting remote file backup_www.burodorgelo.nl-2019-01-21_05-14-sql-07b5b.tgz matching rule [“RETENTION LIMIT TIMESTAMP”,”1548047801 =< 7″] []
But at the first site there are only 6 backups on webdav, which btw is strange, because the backups are active longer than 7 days (actually since 11-01-19).
Any clues?
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
Could you let me know if you still have these issues on the next schedule run?
Hi Liuta, yes there are still issues, I’ve checked some things:
* I use Xcloner for 7 websites, all with the same settings.
* I use Webdav for all sites, all with the same storage and “Webdav cleanup” at 7 days.
* The schedules are planned for once a day.
* Before the update of Xcloner I’ve never had error-mails and backups were made AND uploaded to Webdav every schedule.* In the last schedule (this morning), I had 4 error-mails (1 with “select/poll returned error” and 3 with “empty reply from server”.
* Now it gets interesting:
* the 4 error-sites have all 8 backups on Webdav…
* the 1 with error “select/poll” doesn’t have a backup for today on Webdav BUT the backup has been made local.
* the 3 other error-sites have a backup on Webdav made today (nr 8)
* the other 3 sites WITHOUT error-mail ALL have a backup LOCAL but they are not uploaded to Webdav. 2 of them have 5 backups online, the other 6…* So since the update (as it seems) some backups are not uploaded to Webdav, and some give error-mails. Also is the 8 backups correct? Shouldn’t that be 7?
* Thanks for checking, if you want to see a log i will sent it ??
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
Please feel free to contact me here https://thinkovi.com/contact with the xcloner logs
From the looks of it, the errors you are receiving are indeed generated by a curl request most probably related to webdav upload, can you try and increase your current sites php.ini memory_limit to see if it helps? the system might be stopping the uploads if the memory_limit is reached
I will sent you the logs via mail, and try the memory_limit, but for the moment I also notice problems with the Webdav-server… So maybe the problems are on the server. I’ll keep you informed (via thinkovi contact ;-))
As for me, my problem is taken care of (thank you!), but I am only using XCloner for a single site. (Sorry for the late reply – we were away at meetings.)
Sorry to keep you waiting, but I wanted to be sure there were no problems at the Webdav-side. At the end, I DID notice problems there, but when I asked them they didn’t find a problem… But after a few days my problems seemed gone, and the backups are running again without errors ??
So it looked as if it was Webdav-problems after all…
Thanks again!
This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by
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