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  • respectyoda


    What exactly are you trying to achieve?

    Thread Starter FakeGameCZ



    Another question, how can I send email to customer, who submit a form with his order review? With total price and services, what he checked in form?



    You can go to the Email & Actions tab in the backend and select the fields you want the user to see in a nicely formatted message.

    Thread Starter FakeGameCZ


    Yeah, but what I must write to “To:”? How I can send an email to user email? I need to add in a form field for Email?



    Yes, there has to be a field for the user on the front end to put his/her email address then you can use that field to send the email to the user by selecting that field in the backend in the Email & Actions tab.

    Thread Starter FakeGameCZ


    Thank you, it is functionally now. And one more question, how I can translate “checked” or “unchecked” in email or on page after submit form?

    Thread Starter FakeGameCZ


    And one more question. Can I display in email only fields, which are checked in form?



    Good to hear! I am not sure what you mean with your second question.

    Thread Starter FakeGameCZ


    I have on page order form with services (checkboxes) with total price count. And I need to send email to user with services what he checked (what he ordered) in order form (checkboxes).

    And next question, can I integrate your plugin with Appointments plugin? Under order form (create with your plugin) I have a Appointments plugin table for reservation time for service. And I need to send only one email with services, what user ordered + total price + reservation time (Appointments plugin). In the moment, I send one email with ordered services + total price (with your plugin) and one email with reservation time (Appointments plugin).



    Ah I see. With checkboxes and even radio buttons, you can do something like this for the email notification:

    Services Selected: [ninja_forms_field id=26]

    Of course, use the right id for the checkbox field(s).

    You could actually send one email with field data from Ninja Forms then include a field to hold the data of reservation time from the Appointments plugin, but this would require some coding knowledge to tweak a filter function for the Ninja Forms plugin.

    Thread Starter FakeGameCZ


    1) Yeah, I know this, but how I can select only services, what user choose (check) in order?

    2) In Appointments plugin I can select in message contect placeholder “DATE_TIME” for reservation time. Can I use this placeholder in your plugin?

    I have some coding knowledge, can you navigate me to function, what I must use do code my own function? What function?



    Are you using a multicheck field or just several checkboxes?

    The filter function that you will need to use can be found at: Manipulating a Ninja Form Field

    Thread Starter FakeGameCZ


    I am using just several checkboxes. I do not see multicheck field.



    If you select “List” from the Template Fields section then when you open this field, you’ll see a dropdown for “List Type”, you then can select “Multi-select”.

    But if you are just using several checkboxes, then you can decide the order you want to show the results in an email. You can use the “Select a field or type to search” text box in the Email & Actions tab to select any and all fields you wish to display in any order in the email.

    Thread Starter FakeGameCZ


    OK, I take a look to it.

    And about own filter function. Can you help me with this? Where I must insert code what you posted?

    Is this code OK for my function?

    function custom_reservation_fields_email( $data, $field_id ){
    // $data will contain all of the field settings that have been saved for this field.
    // Let’s change the default value of the field if it has an ID of 3
    if( $field_id == 3 ){
    $data[‘default_value’] = ‘Your email is $data’;
    return $data;
    add_filter( ‘ninja_forms_field’, ‘custom_reservation_fields_email’, 10, 2 );

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